In the first comprehensive opinion poll concerning Floridians' attitudes toward medical research, two out of every three respondents ranked medical research as high as Social Security and higher than national defense in the value it offers as a federally funded program.
The survey indicates most Floridians believe both the state and nation should be leaders in biomedical research, and say the federal government, private businesses and individuals all should invest considerably more money for medical investigations.
Research!America, a national research advocacy alliance, commissioned the survey. The poll of 1,000 Florida residents was conducted last February by Charlton Research Company of San Francisco. Florida's three academic medical centers at the universities of Florida, Miami and South Florida in Tampa funded the survey.
Nearly six of every 10 respondents said they are willing to pay $1 per week more in taxes to aid biomedical investigations.
AIDS and cancer topped people's lists of the greatest health problems facing the nation, and more than two-thirds agreed the use of animals in medical research is necessary for progress in medicine.
Larry Lansford
How important is spending money on medical research to Florida's economy?