Explore Magazine Volume 5 Issue 2


  • More Than Meets The Eye
    UF has a long history of ground-breaking butterfly research. Today, scientists probe butterfly development and evolution, map butterfly migration patterns and study butterfly diets, often with results extending well beyond butterflies. UF researchers also pursue related butterfly conservation projects worldwide.

  • Path To Partitions
    Two UF mathematics researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery in a field most people don’t understand. Their discovery is built on the work of great thinkers most people have never heard of. And it could have important, everyday applications in the future, even though the researchers themselves can’t say what those applications will be.

  • Saving Smiles
    Leading a trend away from "drill and fill," UF dental researchers are developing and testing a host of painless, cost-effective new treatments aimed at preventing the development of cavities from the earliest ages.

  • Clean & Green
    Decades of research on hydroponic agriculture by researchers at UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences are coming to fruition as the lure of year-round fresh fruits and vegetables and new restrictions on pesticides have made this farming without soil a more viable alternative to traditional agriculture.

  • Wrestling Mania
    The nation’s infatuation with professional wrestling now borders on a mania, fueled by alienation from everyday life, not the love of athletic "competition" within the ring, says a recent University of Florida doctoral graduate who researched the unconventional topic for his dissertation in anthropology.

  • Extracts
    Research Briefs

  • Exchange
    Technology Transfer

  • Excel
    Graduate Student Research

  • Excerpts
    New Books

  • Experience
    2000 UF Research Foundation Professors

  • Expressions
    Fine Art