Overview: By participating in this seminar series, participants will gain an understanding of the responsible conduct of research and an overview of the UF research enterprise. Participants may enroll in one class, the whole series, or any set of classes in any combination. All classes are discussion based with active learning components to maximize participant involvement. The sessions will be held via Zoom and will last ~ 1-1.5 hours, depending on the topic.
RCR Certificate: If the participant completes the full seminar series (13 core courses, listed below with (CC)), they will receive a certificate indicating that the training satisfies the NIH, NSF, and USDA RCR training requirements. Note: This training and certificate is an alternative to the online CITI RCR module.
Click here to complete the registration form.
Below, participants share their experience from the 2021 Summer Seminar Series:
Seminar | Description | Instructor(s) | Date & Time |
(CC) Mentor/Mentee Relationships | This session discusses how to establish a healthy and productive mentoring relationship as both a mentor and mentee. | Yenisel Cruz-Almeida | May 26 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Collaborative Research | This session delves into collaborative research, identifies the different types of collaboration, and how to successfully build collaborative relationships. | Yulia Strekalova | May 31 2:00-3:00pm |
(CC)Research Misconduct Overview | This session identifies research misconduct and the standards for research misconduct findings, including a review of data fabrication and falsification. | Cassandra Farley Amber Moore | June 2 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Research Misconduct: Plagiarism | This session introduces plagiarism as part of research misconduct, and examines how UF interprets plagiarism in the UF Honor Code. | Michelle Leonard | June 7 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Ethics of Authorship | This session focuses on authorship, the nuances of acknowledgement, and offers suggestions on how to avoid authorship disputes. | Suzanne Stapleton | June 9 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Research Misconduct: The Lab | This two-part session explores various options when confronted with research misconduct and ethical breaches. | Bob Kolb Terry Selfe | June 14 & 16 1:00-2:30pm |
(CC) Research Conflicts of Interest | This session includes best practices for disclosure, management and monitoring of individual and institutional conflicts of interest in basic and human subjects research. | Amber Moore Chris Mullaney | June 21 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Rigors of Peer Review | This session highlights the types of peer review, including open review with preprint servers. | Tara Cataldo Suzanne Stapleton | June 23 1:00-2:30pm |
(CC) Data Ethics *NEW* | This session introduces the concepts of secure and ethical data use; data confidentiality, management, sharing and ownership. | Chris Barnes Mel Moreno | June 28 1:00-2:30pm |
(CC) Reproducibility & Replicability | The session explores tools and techniques for ensuring your research is reproducible and replicable, including data acquisition and analysis, and laboratory tools. | Lisa Emerson | June 30 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Export Control Overview | This session provides an overview of export control, including regulations, deemed exports and dual use technologies. | Marsha Pesch | July 7 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) Safe Research Environments *NEW* | This session introduces concepts that promote inclusion and free from biases such as sexual, racial, ethnic, disability and other forms of harassment. | Tiffany Pineda Jennifer Hosford Martin Noguera | July 12 1:00-2:00pm |
(CC) RCR Action Plan | This session reviews the core RCR topics and ties key concepts together. Participants will create an action plan based on a template. | Yulia Strekalova Michelle Leonard Cassandra Farley | July 13 1:00-2:30pm |
NIH Data Management Plan & Sharing *NEW* | This session focuses on the new NIH Data Management Plans & Sharing Policy that goes into effect in January 2023 and includes information on compliance with Sponsor rules and regulations. | Taunton Paine, Director, Scientific Data Sharing Policy Division Office of Science Policy, NIH, Dr. Cindy Danielson, NIH | July 19 1:00-2:00pm |
The Research Clinic *NEW* | This session features an interactive training video that educates clinical and social researchers on the importance of appropriately protecting research participants and avoiding research misconduct. | Bob Kolb Terry Selfe | July 21 1:00-2:30pm |
The 2022 RCR Summer Seminar Series is funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity grant (#ORIIR210068).
Disclaimer: The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health and Human Services.