May Help Reverse Overdoses |
doctors may one day have a new weapon against drug overdoses:
“nanocapsules” that sponge up the drugs and render
them harmless.
University of Florida researchers reported at a meeting of
the American Chemical Society that they used tiny oil-filled
capsules to absorb a common antidepressant from rodent heart
cells. People attempting suicide often use the antidepressant,
amitriptyline, which causes heart attacks in overdose quantities.
heart cells’ beating characteristics change when exposed
to the drug,” said Randy Duran, an associate professor
of chemistry at UF and one of five researchers on the National
Science Foundation-funded project. “Then they revert
back to normal as the cell is being cleansed with the nanocapsules.”
Some 300,000 patients are treated for drug overdoses annually
in the nation’s trauma centers. While some drugs, such
as heroin, can be treated with antidotes, others, including
amitriptyline, offer doctors few options beyond standard treatments,
such as flushing the drug from the body. An overdose of amitriptyline
interferes with the heart’s electrical impulse channels,
causing arrhythmic abnormalities and, if taken in sufficient
quantities, heart failure.
Seeking a new approach, researchers at UF and the Max Planck
Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, decided
to try experimenting with tiny nanocapsules to sop up the
“Nano” refers to almost unimaginably small molecule-
or atom-sized elements, with 1 nanometer equaling a billionth
of a meter. For the project, the team developed capsules ranging
from 150 to 600 nanometers, said Aleksa Jovanovic, a UF chemistry
doctoral student and the lead researcher on the project. Each
capsule consists of a polymer-coated silica shell surrounding
a droplet of ethylbutyrate oil, a type of oil used in pharmaceutical
Magnet-like, amitriptyline molecules are attracted to oil,
and they seek to bind with these capsules when the two are
in close proximity, Jovanovic said.
The team placed rat heart cells on electrodes sensitive to
the electric activity of the heart cells. The electrodes detect
the activity and transmit the signal to a computer, conveying
a unique real-time view of the heart cells’ beating
status, he said.
The team next dispensed a solution containing the nanocapsules
on the cells. When the team added the amitriptyline, the cells
continued to beat normally for a period of six minutes. Without
the nanocapsules — that is, with only the amitriptyline
— the cell beats became both weaker and farther apart,
Jovanovic said.
Bert Meijer, a professor of chemistry and chemical engineering
at Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven, the Netherlands,
and an expert on polymer chemistry, said the team’s
experiments are novel and the results show promise.
“The way the nanocapsules are made is very elegant and
shows the control that Professor Duran’s group has in
performing chemistry in self-assembled systems,” he
said. “I am very impressed by the results, and they
open a new way of using nanosystems in biomedical applications.”
Jovanovic emphasized the findings are preliminary and that
many steps lie ahead before the nanocapsules could be used
to treat overdoses.
Randy Duran, duran@chem.ufl.edu
Jovanovic ajovan@chem.ufl.edu
Aaron Hoover