in Heart Arrhythmias Linked to 9/11 Attacks
the month after the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade
Center, millions grappled with the emotional heartache of
a national tragedy.
now have discovered new evidence of physical consequences
for the heart as well among patients living hundreds of miles
from Ground Zero who rely on a pacemaker-like device that
corrects dangerously rapid arrhythmias with electric shock.
University of Florida researchers found that patients who
saw a doctor for routine monitoring of the device, known as
an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or ICD, had a nearly
three-fold increase in the number of shocks they received
in the four weeks after Sept. 11. The scientists presented
their findings in March at the annual scientific meeting of
the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.
An estimated 400,000 people die from unstable heart rhythms
each year. Experts say an additional 80,000 receive an ICD,
which works by constantly monitoring the heartbeat and halting
dangerously rapid rhythms by delivering a small electrical
jolt to the heart. It also can correct abnormally slow heart
rhythms by pacing the heartbeat with electrical pulses.
UF experts collaborated with researchers at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt
Hospital in New York, who previously noted an increase in
the incidence of arrhythmias and the frequency of ICD shocks
among patients living in the New York metropolitan area in
the month after the attack. The current study was the first
to show a similar effect in patients living at a distance.
The findings prompt speculation that terrorism, major life
stress and mass disasters might trigger adverse effects among
heart patients nationwide, even if they live in an area not
directly touched by these events.
“This is the first time after a tragedy has occurred
in our country that anybody has looked to see whether it affects
patients all across the country,” said Dr. Omer Shedd,
a postdoctoral fellow in cardiovascular medicine at UF’s
College of Medicine. “Because the World Trade Center
attacks were so heavily publicized — virtually everybody
in the country was exposed to that tragedy — we thought
we may find an increase in morbidity and possibly mortality
in our area. The implications are that the event had a much
more widespread effect than previously recognized.”
Physicians increasingly acknowledge that emotional stress
is a powerful stimulus for cardiovascular events. Previous
research has directly linked cardiovascular and psychological
reactions in people experiencing sudden and severe life stress,
such as the aftermath of a natural disaster or the terror
of war.
“There are some data to suggest that a lot of arrhythmias
are anxiety-driven,” Shedd said. “When people
become anxious, the levels of certain hormones in the body
increase, and that can trigger rhythm problems and heart problems.”
If doctors could better characterize or identify patients
prone to experiencing high levels of anxiety, whether it’s
related to a national event or an event at home such as the
loss of a family member, then perhaps they could help prevent
arrhythmias and other cardiovascular complications, Shedd
For the current study, UF scientists reviewed the medical
records of 132 Floridians, mostly men, who were seen for routine
checkups at UF or at Gainesville’s Malcom Randall Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, both in the month before and the month
after the Sept. 11 attack. The average age of those enrolled
in the study was about 63. The frequency of heart arrhythmias
requiring ICD treatment increased by more than 68 percent
among the study participants shortly after the attack. Patients
with arrhythmias in the month before also experienced twice
as many in the month afterward.
In all, 11 percent of study participants had abnormal heart
rhythms in the month afterward, compared with 3.5 percent
in the month before.
“These data provide real-world evidence that stress
affects both the mind and the heart,” said UF psychologist
Sam Sears Jr. of the College of Public Health and Health Professions
“Even witnessing a national tragedy has a similar effect
as experiencing a tragedy. It doesn’t have to be a death
in your family for it to affect the heart.”
In coming months, researchers will continue to assess the
effects of patient anxiety, depression and other psychological
problems on arrhythmias, and on the incidence and frequency
of shocks in patients with ICDs.
“One of the things we’d like to do is find better
ways to identify those patients before these kinds of events
happen,” Shedd said.
Shedd mergosh@ufl.edu
Melanie Fridl Ross