UFIRST, the University of Florida Integrated Research Support Tool
Funding opportunities, industry funding sources, internal seed grants
Coordination for large interdisciplinary research initiatives, graphic arts assistance, pre-submission review
Proposal submission
The following text may be used as a basis for a UF profile, diversity statement, or college profiles. Please note that some sections require inputting current facts.
Sponsored agreements (research agreements, CTA’s, CDA’s, DUA’s)
Award setup in UFIRST, no cost extensions, supplements, and progress reports
Outgoing subaward process, subaward tracking, subrecipient monitoring roles and responsibilities
Outgoing subaward process, subaward tracking, subrecipient monitoring roles and responsibilities
Review expenditures for compliance, review and approval of cost transfers, prepare financial reports and invoices, process payments received, process subcontract payments and award closeout
Research Navigation support, recruitment support, bio stats, regulatory and data support, nursing support, research coordinator support, Clinical Research Center, specimen processing, storage and shipment support
Provides assistance and support to UF faculty, staff, administrators, and students while traveling on UF business abroad
Procurement (requisitions, purchase orders, PCard), sourcing, and contract management
Records Management:
Records management and training schedules
University Archives:
Preservation of and access to permanent public records
Gene expression, genotyping, monoclonal antibody prodcution, DNA sequencing, Sanger sequencing, electron microscopy, cytometry, bioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry, biotechnology, genomics, transriptome, genome annotation, dibig, flow cytometers, confocal microscope, electron, imaging, transmission, scanning, quantitative pcr, expression arrays, mirna arrays, pathogen, detection, quantification, immunization, purification, cell fusion, cell cloning, epitope, binning, protein, fractionation, cell, line, authentication, labeling, electrophoresis
Materials characterization, analysis and expertise, and Micro/Nano device fabrication
Patents, Intellectual Property (IP), research commercialization
Sid Martin Biotech & The Hub
Provides wide variety of mass spectrometry instruments, bioinformatic tools and highly trained staff
The Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology serves as the focal point at the University of Florida for activities concerning the effects of chemicals on the environment, human and animal health.
Animal housing facilities, animal husbandry, veterinary care, training and technical services
Approval for research involving animals
Equipment acquisitions, dispositions, physical inventory, agency reporting, international use of equipment, surplus property and vehicle titles/licensing
For human subject research, Shands Epic research functionality, and billing questions
Protocol registration for human subject research in ClinicalTrials.gov
Contact the Compliance Hotline to report concerns anonymously
For questions regarding Outside Activities and Financial Interests related to research, contact Research Conflict of Interest (COI-R) at
For assistance with UF’s Outside Activities disclosure requirements or conflicts of interest concerns, contact the COI Program at :
Unmanned aerial systems, FAA regulations
Biohazards, bloodborne pathogens, organisms requiring state or federal permits, chemicals, nanoparticles, radioisotopes, radiation, lasers, animal contact, DEA controlled substances, medical grade gas, hazardous waste, hazardous materials shipping, respirator use, medical monitoring/health assessments
ITAR, EAR, OFAC. Research involving military, space, nuclear, infrared, UAVs, encryption, astronomical instruments, etc.
Public record or Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Sunshine Laws
Comprehensive risk assessment, forensic investigation service, incident management, intrusion detection/prevent, PGP encryption
rDNA, BSL-3 pathogens, select agents, dual use research of concern (DURC)
Approval for research involving humans, IRB questions
Minors working in labs, clinics, or animal facilities
Fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in research
HIPAA, information privacy, personally identifiable information, FERPA training
Requirements for federal agency grant recipients about depositing data and articles in federal agency repositories, e.g. PubMedCentral
Determine training list, training courses, training records, training reminders
Contracting related to VAMC through North Florida Foundation for Research and Education