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Set Up Award Resources

The University of Florida is committed to supporting efficient and compliant award set up. It is a shared responsibility of the PI, department, college and core offices to ensure that the award is set up in UFIRST in a manner to best support understanding of award conditions and University policies, meet sponsor expectations for deliverables and prior approvals, and meet financial controls and reporting requirements of the Sponsor. 

If a member of the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) starts the UFIRST Award record, the record will start in Draft state and a member of the Awards team will facilitate the UFIRST setup process as completely as possible before routing the UFIRST record to the Pending Responsible Unit Edits (PRUE) state. If the department starts the UFIRST record, the DSP owner assigned to the record should be used as a resource in the setup process should questions arise. When the record is routed from PRUE state to the DSP Review state, DSP will review all data points for accuracy and reach out to the Primary Unit Administrative Contact with any questions or concerns before routing the UFIRST record to Contracts & Grants Accounting for integration in myUFL. After the Award is integrated, you will receive a system-generated email from UFIRST that states the Award has been released and provides a summary of the new project(s). 

Award Set Up Process

UFIRST Award StateActivityResponsible Party
DraftOnly used if DSP creates award. DSP can edit SmartForm; DSP reviews award documentsDSP
Pending Responsible Unit EditsUnit can edit SmartForm; PI and Key Personnel can complete compliance activitiesUnit
Awaiting Advanced Spending AuthorityUnit can no longer edit SmartForm; advanced spending request triggered; Unit approves or disapproves advanced spendingUnit Fiscal Authority
Pending Compliance ActivitiesUnit can no longer edit SmartForm; PI and Key Personnel complete compliance activities (training, Award Compliance Form, SFI disclosure)PI/Key Personnel
Pending Protocol ApprovalUnit can no longer edit SmartForm; waiting for IRB or IACUC protocol activationUnit
DSP ReviewDSP reviews complete award recordDSP
DRC ReviewRISC reviews award recordRISC
Contracts and Grants ReviewC&G reviews award record and initiates integration into myUFLC&G
Pending myUFL IntegrationmyUFL integration has been triggered; data is gathered and moved between systemsC&G
ActiveAward is active; funds have been released; award modifications may now be entered if necessary PI/Unit

Award Set Up Flow Chart

Award Set Up Flow Chart

Instructional Guides and Toolkits

The following instruction guides and toolkits should be used as a resource to support creation, review, and routing of UFIRST Awards.

Official and Supporting Documents

During setup of a new award, all award documentation must be attached to the UFIRST record, including the Notice of Award or Fully Executed Agreement, approved proposal, budget, and budget justification if one is present, along with any documentation unique to the specific record. Official documents include items such as the Notice of Award while supporting documents include items such as the proposal, budget, budget justification, F&A rate determination or other relevant documents that will impact setup or release of the award.

Project Type Definitions

Project Type is an attribute that further defines the purpose reflected in the scope of work. It is used for both institutional reporting and for improving business processes, such as identifying projects not requiring effort commitments, identifying projects with special rebudgeting restrictions, or identifying projects of strategic institutional importance.

UFIRST Project Types:

  • Agricultural Field Trial (FLDTR): A set protocol that outlines the procedures to be followed during the trial and for which the University PI provides little to no intellectual input into the scope of work.  The University researcher involvement is to provide the sponsor with data regarding the protocol results, most often a data set as opposed to conclusions or data analysis. A field trial may test the growth of a seed, the ability of a crop variety to perform under normal cultivation conditions, examine the need for higher crop yields, disease and pest resistance, and hardiness, or look at the effects of treatments (i.e. pesticide applications) on crop yields.
  • Animal Clinical Trial (ANML): The use of non-human animals in drug trials with the explicit intention of determining the safety or efficacy for future treatments, therapies or diagnostic tools(not for any use of animals in the basic discovery of new knowledge which should be research)
  • Career Development (CAR): Programs to foster the development of independent scientists in their career.  Often included protected research time early in a researchers career to develop a foundational research portfolio.
    • Examples: NIH K awards, NSF CAREER
  • Clinical Trial (CT): A subset of Clinical Research where one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.
  • Clinical Trial Operating Account (CTOA): Operating project to cover incidentals and administrative labor to run the clinical trial program of a unit or individual Principal Investigator’s trial program. Set up in Fund 214.
  • Conference/Workshop (CONF): Conferences or workshops
  • Cost Share (CSTSH): Funds obligated from internal sources committed to cost sharing for a sponsored project that has been determined by UFR Leadership to require an extra level of accounting oversight.
  • Curriculum Development (CUDEV): Development of coursework/curriculum.
  • Doctoral Dissertation (DDIG): Support completion of doctoral dissertation – at the direction of the graduate student.
  • Editorship (EDIT): Support for serving as the office of the editor or as the editor for a journal or other such publication.
  • Equipment (EQUIP): Solely for purchase or fabrication of scientific equipment.
    • Examples: DoD DURIP, DoEnergy ERLE; NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant Program; NSF MRI
  • Extension /Public Service (EXTPS): Delivering information and implementing services to the non-UF non-scientific community. If the project is research into public health methods/delivery techniques, then the appropriate research project type applies.
    • Examples: public health services delivery including state clinical services contracts; implementing education programs in K12 school districts; implementing IFAS extension programs.
  • Fellowship – Other (FWSO): A fellowship not categorized as graduate or post-graduate.  May be for a faculty pursuing other lines in their career.
  • Fellowship –Graduate (FWSHG): Individualized mentored research training for a graduate student.
  • Fellowship Post Graduate (FWSHP): Individualized mentored research training to enhance the potential research career of the candidate or gain new research skills as an independent investigator.
  • Human Subjects /Clinical Research (HSR):   Research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, and cognitive phenomena) where the research team directly interacts with human subjects.  Includes epidemiological and behavioral studies, mechanisms of human disease, health outcomes research, patient-oriented research, and development of new technologies. Excludes in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living individual (nonhuman studies) and clinical trials.
  • IFAS Faculty Service Program (IFSP): designed for faculty conducting routine services for multiple, external, non-Federal sponsors on a fixed price basis.
  • Institutional Training Grant (ITG): Academic and/or research training programs providing for multiple fellowship appointments.
    • Examples: NIH T32, TL2, T34 and T35
  • Instruction (INSTR): Instruction activities benefitting the students of the University of Florida.
  • Inter-governmental Personnel Assignment (IPA): temporary assignment of personnel between the University and the Federal Government
  • Other Sponsored Activity (OTHSP): Should be used only with consultation of DSP staff.
  • Participant Support (PTSUP): Direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences or training projects. Participant support costs are excluded from the MTDC base when calculating F&A costs.
  • Patient Care (PXCAR): Clinical services that must be segregated for accounting purposes (MTDC and no rebudgeting).
  • Pilot/Internal Project (PILOT): Reallocation to independent research projects of any UF dollars (Office of Research, College or Center) or any externally sponsored dollars where the purpose of the funds as proposed is specifically to fund such programs.
    • Examples: Research Foundation Professorships, Research Opportunity Seed Fund Awards, Sea Grant, CTSI pilot programs, Dentistry Seed funds
  • Renovations/Construction (RENO): Additions, improvements, modifications, replacements, rearrangements, reinstallations, renovations or alterations to capital assets that materially increase their value or useful life (not ordinary repairs and maintenance).
  • Research-Basic (RSHB): Undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge without any particular application or use in mind.
    • Examples: Standard NSF, NIH, USDA grants.
  • Research-Applied (RSHA): Conducted to gain the knowledge or understanding to meet a specific, recognized need.
    • Examples: Phase I & II SBIR/STTR awards; FHTCC awards
  • Research-Developmental (RSHD): Systematic use of knowledge or understanding gained from research directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, systems or methods.
    • Example: Design and development of prototypes and processes.
  • Research Training (RSHT): Support for research training and career development for pre- and post-doctoral individuals, for support of theses or dissertation, or other undergraduate scholarly activities.
  • Testing/Services (TEST): A project under which a PI has received a set testing/services protocol that outlines the procedures to be followed and for which the University PI provides little to no intellectual input into the scope of work.  The University researcher involvement is to provide the sponsor with data regarding the testing/services protocol results, most often a data set as opposed to conclusions or data analysis.
  • Travel (TRAV): Solely for the reimbursement of travel.
  • Undergraduate Research Project (UGRSH): For an undergraduate student to perform scholarly or research activity.

Not available in UFIRST but remain available in myUFL

  • 211 Overhead-Dept (OHDPT)
  • 211 Overhead-Center (OHCTR)
  • 211 Overhead-College (Dean) (OHDN)
  • 211 Overhead-PI (OHPI)
  • 212 Residual
  • Center or Institute Support
  • Clearing
  • Contingency
  • IFAS Royalties (FSEED)
  • Infrastructure
  • Matching Funds
  • Operations
  • Program Income
  • Special Programs
  • Startup/Retention

Purpose Definitions

The award “purpose code” is designated based on the fundamental focus of the scope of work outlined in the proposal or award documentation. Purpose codes are aligned to allocate the work to the institution’s major functions as reported in the University’s financial statements.

UFIRST has 6 Purpose Choices

  • EXTPS-Extension/Public Service: Delivering information and implementing services to the non-UF non-scientific community. If the project is research into public health methods/delivery techniques, then the appropriate research project type applies. Examples: public health services delivery including state clinical services contracts; implementing education programs in K12 school districts; implementing IFAS extension programs.
  • INST-Instruction: Instruction activities benefitting the students of the University of Florida.
    • Program Code: 1100
  • RSCHA-Applied Research: Applied research is a form of systematic inquiry involving the practical application of science. It accesses and uses some part of the research community’s accumulated theories, knowledge, methods, and techniques, for a specific, often state-, business-, or client-driven purpose.
    • Program Code: 2200
  • RSCHB-Basic Research: Basic Research is performed without thought of practical ends. It results in general knowledge and understanding of nature and its laws.
    • Program Code: 2200
  • RSCHD-Developmental Research: Developmental research is systematic application of knowledge or understanding, directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific requirements.
    • Program Code: 2200
  • RSTRN-Research Training: Support for research training for pre-, post- doc fellowships, thesis, dissertation, or undergraduate scholarly activities. Includes basic, applied and developmental research activity.
    • Program Code: 2200
    • Example: NIH NRSA Training Grants (T); NIH NRSA Fellowships (F); NSF IGERT

Last updated 7/8/24