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Outgoing Subawards

What is an outgoing Subaward?

An outgoing subaward is funding provided by UF to a Subrecipient for the purpose of carrying out a programmatic segment of a sponsored project. Outgoing subawards are prepared by the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) Outgoing Subawards team.

Other relationships do not meet the definition of an Outgoing Subaward:

  • Contractors and Consultants are not classified as Subrecipients and are processed through UF Procurement.
  • A collaboration with another Unit/Department at UF is not an outgoing subaward and is typically handled via a separate Project on a UFIRST Award.
  • When UF is a subrecipient, funds arrive via an Incoming Subaward and are processed through a UFIRST Proposal.

UF’s Responsibilities

In accordance with the requirements contained within Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR 200), referred to as Uniform Guidance (UG), the University of Florida is required to perform a series of monitoring efforts to ensure proper stewardship of federal funds. Those efforts include Subrecipient vs. Contractor determination, performing Subrecipient risk analysis and compliance review, and monitoring the programmatic activities of Subrecipients throughout the life of each federally-funded Subaward. Subawards may also be subject to additional federal agency-specific regulations established by the federal sponsor. Although not required by state or federal law, to the extent practicable, UF will follow these guidelines as a best practice approach to programmatic and financial monitoring and of its non-federally-funded subrecipients.

Subrecipient Selection Process

The Project Manager (Principal Investigator) for the University of Florida is typically in the best position to determine if a Subaward is needed and to select the Subrecipient that will work on the project. Selection is based on the potential Subrecipient’s technical experience and the ability to perform the portion of the scope of work being proposed.

Subrecipient vs. Contractor

Determining the proper relationship between UF and any collaborator is an important part of sponsored project management. The collaborator’s scope of work will drive the classification, regardless of budget impact. Improper classification may cause issues related to availability of funds, prior approval requirements, and contractual requirements.

Characteristics of Subrecipient and Contractor relationships:

• Involves Analysis and Interpretation
• Has a question to be answered
• Provides services explicitly requested by UF
• Manufacture goods
• Prototype creator – UF designs they manufacture
• Website hosting
• Turning over unanalyzed data from testing
Participates substantially in the design and direction of the overall scope of work.Has not participated significantly in the design of the work
Has the freedom/ability to make decisions within the terms of the agreementHas little or no independent decision making in the design or conduct of the work being completed
Makes operational decisions on how to carry out the workPaid for deliverables only; not on a reimbursement for actual costs incurred
Generates Data and retains for future research useNormally operates in a competitive environment with other like vendors; competes with other entities that provide the same services; provides similar goods to a number of entities; the goods are commonly available; the services are repetitive in nature (ex. testing, manufacturing).
Likely co-author on overall reports and publicationsUnlikely to be a coauthor on publications

All partners – subrecipient, contractor, or consultant – are required to register as a supplier in the UF accounting system.

Additional Resources:

Subawards at Proposal Stage
Subawards at Award Stage

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a subaward and a subcontract?

The terms subaward and subcontract are often used interchangeably to indicate an agreement entered into with another institution or entity to conduct work under funding received by another entity from an external sponsor. However, under Uniform Guidance, Subawards are only issued to Subrecipients. Further, a Subcontract is technically for the procurement of goods and services under a sponsored project. Nevertheless, the function of the relationship is more important than the form or title of the legal instrument being used.

How do I request a new subaward?

Submit a NEW SUBAWARD request from your UFIRST Award. Subawards may be requested from the UFIRST Award at any time. Click here for a guide to requesting a new subaward in UFIRST. See additional information on Subawards at Award stage here.

What is involved in a Risk Assessment?

An organizational review is required under federally sponsored projects subject to the requirements of 2 CFR 200.331. The University of Florida will also apply this review as a best practices approach to its non-federal sponsored award Subrecipients.

The Subrecipient Financial Questionnaire will be sent to Subrecipients as determined by the outgoing Subaward Office.

What is the difference between a cost reimbursable and a fixed amount subaward?

Under a cost reimbursable subaward, the subrecipient invoices UF for expenses incurred to conduct the project and is then reimbursed. The expenses, as for all expenses on sponsored projects, should be allowable, allocable, and reasonable and invoices should include sufficient detail for audit purposes.

Under a fixed amount subaward, milestones and/or deliverables are established along with a corresponding price for each. Once a milestone is met or a deliverable received and accepted by the UF PI, the Subrecipient may invoice for the corresponding amount due. Invoices do not need to include expense detail. The first milestone/deliverable may be full execution of the subaward agreement which can be beneficial when dealing with entities that do not have the resources to incur expenses for later reimbursement. See additional information on budgeting for fixed amount subawards here.

Contact Us

The DSP Outgoing Subawards team is responsible for:

  • Preparing new subawards and subcontracts.
  • Making changes to existing subawards and subcontracts.
  • Answering questions regarding potential or existing subawards and subcontracts.

Email the DSP Outgoing Subawards team at or call us at (352) 392-0239.

The Contracts & Grants Accounting (C&G) Subawards team facilitates review and payment of invoices and overall financial management and monitoring of subrecipient financial performance. Contact the C&G Subawards team at:

Last updated 7/24/24