Offices and Services - UF Research
University of Florida word mark

Research Services

Division of Sponsored Programs

The Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) facilitates UF approval for all extramural proposal submissions, accepts and administers grant awards, and negotiates contracts and other research-related agreements on the behalf of the University of Florida.

Research Integrity

Research Integrity assists faculty, staff and students conduct research in compliance with applicable research regulatory requirements and institutional policies. DRI’s goal is to promote compliance while facilitating research.

Strategic Research Development

Strategic Research Development (SRD) identifies funding opportunities for faculty, manages internal funding programs, coordinates UF applicant selection for limited submission programs, and helps plan and coordinate large, interdisciplinary research initiatives.

Contracts & Grants

Contracts & Grants provides exceptional research support services while protecting the University’s interests in the most efficient and responsible manner possible.

Division of Research Operations & Services

The Division of Research Operations & Services (DROS) mission is to facilitate research within applicable regulatory requirements.  DROS collaborates with our faculty, staff, students, and other units around campus to not only ensure compliance but to also streamline/simplify required processes and improve efficiency. 

UF Innovate

UF Innovate supports an innovation ecosystem at UF that moves research discoveries from the laboratory to the market, fostering a resilient economy and making the world a better place.

Business Operations

Business Operations within the Office of Research include the Business Office, Information Services and Personnel and Administrative Services.

Education & Training Programs

Creating new knowledge and enhancing skills for improvement is what drives excellence, just one of our six UF Core Values in action.

Research Communications

UF Research Communications promotes University of Florida research and graduate education to both internal and external audiences through such vehicles as the Explore research magazine. The office also provides editorial and graphic design services to other research units.