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Award Closeout

On this page:

On-Time Reporting
Project Ending Reminders
Fiscal Close
Award Closeout Reports
Fixed Price Award Closeout

Closeout is the last step in a sponsored award’s lifecycle. The key to any closeout is the on-time submission of all technical, financial, and other required reports to the sponsor.

On-Time Reporting

For most federal grants and contracts, final reports are due no later than 90-120 calendar days after the expiration date of the award.

For non-federal awards (i.e. state, industry, non-profit sponsors), the closeout requirements vary depending on the policies of the sponsor. Most often, final reports have a shorter timeline than the federal standard.

Delinquent Reports

It is important that all reports are submitted on time. Failure to submit complete and timely reports may result in one or more of the following actions:

  • Temporarily withholding of payments to the institution pending correction of the deficiency or more severe enforcement action
  • Withholding of further awards to the institution
  • Reporting of non-compliance in
  • Whole or partial suspension or termination of the award
  • Initiation of suspension or debarment proceedings
  • Other remedies as may be legally available

Upon receiving notification of delinquent reports, Contracts & Grants Accounting (C&G) will actively work to resolve the issue. If PIs are non-responsive, after the first notice C&G may actively engage Chairs and Deans to ensure reports are submitted in response to delinquent notices.

Project Ending Reminders

The myUFL system will deliver early notification emails to the PI at 90, 45, and 0 days prior to the project’s expiration date. The reminders ask the PI to review the project and take appropriate action (i.e. finish on time or request a no-cost extension).

Fiscal Close

The fiscal close of a project is a shared responsibility that involves the PI, the department fiscal staff, and C&G.

Fiscal closeout involves the following:

  • Review expenditures to ensure all are reasonable, allocable, and allowable costs made in support of the performance of the project
  • Encumbrances are closed
  • Salary distributions removed
  • Verification that subcontractor’s final invoices have been received and paid
  • All cost sharing has been accounted for
  • Removal of any unallowable costs, including over-expenditures

Award Closeout Reports

Final Technical Report

The PI is responsible for timely submission of the final technical reports. Specific sponsor requirements for the technical reports are usually defined in the award package. The PI may typically submit the completed report directly to the sponsor. A copy of the technical report or proof of submission may need to be sent to C&G at to satisfy a delinquent notification.

Final Fiscal Report

The final fiscal reports are generally due within 30-120 days after the expiration date of the award. Fiscal reports are prepared by C&G. C&G will normally submit reports directly to the sponsor. Copies will be sent to the PI or designated department fiscal staff upon request.

For fiscal reports that require a certification of charges, C&G  will provide a statement similar to the following: “I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all expenditures reported are appropriate for purpose and in accordance with the agreement set forth in the application and award documents.”

Final Invention Report

Most federal sponsors require negative and/or positive invention reports. When invention reports are required, C&G will collect the information needed, coordinate with the PI, and if an invention was made in whole or in part with project funding, coordinate with UF’s Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) to complete the disclosure information prior to submitting the report to the sponsor. For invention report assistance, email

Final Property Report

Most grants and contracts do not require a final property report. When property reports are required, UF’s Asset Management Office will collect the information needed and submit these reports. For property report assistance, email

Authorized Official Representative

Some sponsors require that final reports be signed by a UF Authorizing Official (AO). To obtain AO signature you may send your report to DSP at C&G must provide confirmation on all financial reports prior to requesting AO signature.

Fixed Price Award Closeout

Fixed price awards may have residual funds remaining at the end of the contract that do not need to be returned to the sponsor. Upon project close, C&G confirms all cash earned by performing the work has been collected. C&G will fill out a Fixed Price Award Closeout Memo (sample memo) and submit to the unit/PI. Unit/PI should complete the memo and return to C&G within five business days. Upon C&G’s final approval, any residual funds may be moved accordingly: 

  • Direct cost portion transferred to the PI’s residual project
  • Indirect cost portion moved to DSP for later distribution following UF policy

Please contact C&G at with any questions about fixed price award closeout. 

Last updated 2/27/25