University of Florida word mark


What are the Benefits of ORCID?

  • Your ORCID iD will ensure that you meet funder, publisher, and reporting requirements
  • Your ORCID record can save you time when you have to fill out forms, etc.
  • Your ORCID iD distinguishes you
  • Your ORCID iD persists over time
  • Your ORCID record can bolster your digital identity

Why do some federal sponsors require an ORCID iD?

All federal funding agencies will soon require a “digital persistent identifier” for investigators:

“…funding agencies shall establish policies regarding requirements for the individual researchers supported by or working on any Federal research grant to be registered with a service that provides a digital persistent identifier for that individual.”   -Excerpt from NSPM-33 Guidance issued January 2022

My ORCID account is blank, how do I get started?

Information can be added to your ORCID record in the following ways:

  • Automatically via trusted organizations
  • Search & Link wizards
  • Manual entry by you
  • Manual entry by a trusted individual

What are UF faculty saying about ORCID?