As long as there is benefit to the project, then regardless of the location where those duties are performed, salaries can be charged. Some allowable activities may include data analysis, preparation of articles and papers based on the analysis of the research findings, monitoring subrecipients, updating protocols, etc. Our primary federal guidance at 200.430(h)(I) states: “…writing reports and articles, developing and maintaining protocols (human, animals, etc.), managing substances/chemicals, managing and securing project-specific data, coordinating research subjects, participating in appropriate seminars, consulting with colleagues and graduate students, and attending meetings and conferences.”
Yes. While agencies will grant flexibility, don’t assume the process. Email with your project id, impact and questions.
See UF-wide guidance regarding accessing UF locations, travel and more.
See Clinical Research guidance.
If the adaptations were so significant that it did not simply delay or change methods, it may represent a change in scope. Before work is undertaken outside of the existing scope, prior approval is required. It may be that a preliminary discussion with a program official helps to solidify the best direction should a change be necessary. If indeed a change will occur, a UFIRST Award Modification should be created with a letter that documents the new scope and any budget, milestone or timeline changes proposed. The UFIRST Award Modification must be routed to DSP for review before submission to the sponsor.
If the project adaptations do not represent a change in scope, any COVID related impacts including delays should be documented in the upcoming progress report.
If there is the potential that a deliverable or milestone will not be met, reach out to DSP at as quickly as possible.
It is always a good idea to document work being done. In some cases, this can be done with lab notebooks, in other cases it can be done through electronic means. This documentation can help track activities and will assist with effort certification at the end of each semester. While the pace of the project may fluctuate or productivity may decline, this does not mean that the effort is not allocable. So long as you and your team are working on activities related to the project, you may continue to charge the effort. Allowable activities are outlined in section 3.1 of: UF Effort Reporting Directives and Procedures.
While DSP has a standard NCE template available on the UF Research website, COVID has not uniformly affected each project. In some cases, work can be moved offsite, in others planned objectives may need to be put on hold or delayed. We recommend briefly summarizing the project impacts in support of the NCE request. Please be mindful that the University did not uniformly “shut down” during this time. We ask that you take caution in describing what did proceed under telework and what work was impacted. DSP will ask for revisions if the statements broadly indicate University closure.
First step is to document. We cannot be certain of all possible funding avenues but documenting impacts such as regeneration of biologicals, replacement PPE, extended staffing costs due to reduced productivity will prepare you for whatever options might arise. In some cases, a supplement may be requested from the sponsor. NIH is one sponsor that has posted information. See: NIH COVID-19 Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding.
While federal and private sponsors have been emphasizing flexibility around prior approval requirements, you must still obtain approval for most items listed in the Prior Approval Matrix, including 1st and 2nd No Cost Extensions, Non-SNAP carryover requests, or disengagement of the PI for more than three months, to name a few. Please contact or submit a modification in UFIRST Awards for any of these requests.
Yes. UF Sponsored Programs realizes that project impacts come in all shapes and sizes. Please submit a UFIRST Award Modification as soon as possible so we can work with you to ensure that the request is submitted as timely as possible.
Yes, unless a sponsor prohibits it. However, PPE like many other common use lab items is often difficult to allocate across all funding sources which benefit so it is important to document the method of allocation utilized in cases where these items are being direct charged.
When assigning a chartfield please add COVID19 flex code to any line items that are COVID specific expenses. This allows the university to track these costs and potentially be reimbursed for such costs if an opportunity presents itself.
Additionally, the following GL account codes should be used: 738000– Miscellaneous Other Supplies for masks and 735200 – Sanitation and Sterilization Supplies for cleaning products.
Travel costs that would otherwise have met allowability criteria for a sponsored project will continue to be an allowable charge provided:
In the event credits for future use are issued in lieu of a refund, charges should be moved to a non-sponsored project source if they will not be used for immediate future travel on the award they were originally purchased from.
Information regarding sourcing of PPE is located on Procurement’s site:
Other than some of items of PPE such as disinfectant wipes and commercial hand sanitizer there are not currently known supply chain issues. Procurement continues to monitor this.
If you need additional help sourcing product please email and include how many and what kind of item is needed.
Please contact Procurement at or 392-1335.
As UF reopens and reengages with other universities, industries, research and instructional initiatives, and governmental agencies, it is to be expected that members of the community will engage in additional travel closely tied to these activities. Consequently, essential travel directly connected to assigned university duties will be approved by the Dean of a College (or analogous Director in certain units), a Senior Vice President, or Vice President. At this time and until further notice, Deans and Directors may not delegate this responsibility to Department Chairs. No travel reimbursements will be issued without that approval.
Employees are still strongly encouraged to minimize personal travel. Employees who do travel should inform themselves about restrictions and quarantines either in the areas to which they travel or requirements of the State of Florida and the University of Florida in returning from certain locations. UF may require returning employees to self-quarantine for 14 days after returning from certain destinations.
Employees are reminded that any international travel must be pre-approved by a Dean (or SVP or VP) and must be registered on the International Center International Travel Registration website. Employees are further reminded that they could find their movements severely restricted in international travel, including re-entry into the United States.
Student fees are not currently allowable charges to sponsored projects. Further, you will note when comparing previous fee schedules that while a distance-learning fee was added as a result of the moving of all courses to on-line modalities fees related to on-site services were removed.