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Budget Control (KK) Levels

Budget Control Levels are assigned to projects by Contracts & Grants Accounting (C&G) prior to release of funding in myUFL.

Budget Control Level 3 (KK Level 3) is assigned where terms DO NOT impose stringent re-budgeting restrictions. Budget Control Level 3 allows spending at a direct cost level without the requirement to initiate a re-budgeting request. Re-budgeting between direct and indirect cost categories will require submission of a re-budgeting request.

The goal of level 3 budget control is to minimize re-budgeting and allow investigators the ability to make timely expenditures needed to advance their projects. For example, if you were invited to present your research results at a conference which you did not explicitly budget for, you may attend and charge the sponsored project without the need to re-budget funds.

Examples of awards that are typically assigned a Budget Control Level 3 include:

  • Federal Grants under FDP Terms
  • Federal Grants under Expanded Authority Terms
  • Federal Grants under Standard Research Terms
  • Clinical Trials
  • Fixed Price Agreements (federal and non-federal)

Budget Control Level 5 (KK Level 5) is assigned to projects where terms DO impose stringent re-budgeting restrictions. Budget Control Level 5 will require re-budgeting approvals be obtained from C&G, and potentially the Sponsor, prior to allowing sponsored program funds to be used for the expenditure in question.

Deviations in a direct cost category of 25% or more of the total award cost is considered significant re-budgeting and may also be an indicator of a change in scope. Re-budgeting requests should be initiated for significant re-budgeting, regardless of the budget control level assigned. Re-budgeting requests are initiated via a UFIRST Award Modification (type: Financial>Re-budgeting categories within an existing project). 

Irrespective of the assigned budget control level, sponsored program funds must always be used in support of allowable costs per the terms of the award.

Last updated 12/19/24