University of Florida word mark

When You Are Changing Departments

Sometimes a faculty member will move to a new department or unit for a variety of reasons. When this happens, their portfolio should be reviewed as if they were leaving the Institution and determine what awards or projects will stay with the existing department and what will be transferred to the new department.

Award and Projects to be Transferred to New Department

If it is determined that the whole award will move to the new department, the faculty member will need new projects created under their existing awards. This should be done in UFIRST as a Financial, Date AND Award Demographics modification.

The Financial subtype is ‘Moving budget between existing projects (Net $0 Change)’ and the Date subtype is ‘Date Reduction.’

Page 4.0 Date Modification—revise the end date of the existing project to the date of the transfer.
Page 6.0 Award Demographics—question 1.0 change the Responsible Unit to what it should be.
Page 8.1 Allocation Setup—add new allocations to add/subtract the balance from the old project and add to the new one. You won’t be able to associate the allocation with the new project until you add the new project on page 8.3
Page 8.3 Project Setup—add the new project under the new Responsible unit. Make sure allocations are associated with correct projects.
Page 8.8 Effort Commitments—Effort commitment for personnel should be associated with new project under their new DeptID.

Include all relevant correspondence and documentation. Balances to be transferred should be validated with C&G, considering any lagging charges that will need to be moved, etc.

There may need to be an additional budget transfer modification if after completion you determine there is an additional balance that was not moved.

Award Will Not be Transferred, But New Projects to be Created Under New Department

If it is determined that the award will stay in the existing department, the faculty member will still need new projects created under their existing awards, under their new responsible unit. This should be done in UFIRST as a Financial and Date modification.

The Financial subtype is ‘Moving budget between existing projects (Net $0 Change)’ and the Date subtype is ‘Date Reduction.’

Page 4.0 Date Modification—revise the end date of the existing project to the date of the transfer.
Page 8.1 Allocation Setup—add new allocations to add/subtract the balance from the old project and add to the new one. You won’t be able to associate the allocation with the new project until you add the new project on page 8.3
Page 8.3 Project Setup—add the new project under the new Responsible unit. Make sure allocations are associated with correct projects.
Page 8.8 Effort Commitments—Effort commitment for personnel should be associated with new project under their new DeptID.

Include all relevant correspondence and documentation. Balances to be transferred should be validated with C&G, considering any lagging charges that will need to be moved, etc.

There may need to be an additional budget transfer modification if after completion you determine there is an additional balance that was not moved.