University of Florida word mark

Animal Use in Research (IACUC Approval)

Before working with vertebrate animals in research at the University of Florida (UF), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires registration, review and approval.

When animal work is part of a sponsored project, an IACUC approval must be obtained before funds can be released. The Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) ensures that the sponsored project is referenced by the funding source and title on the IACUC application. Further, if at any time during the life of the sponsored project, the IACUC protocol has lapsed or expired, the project funds will be stopped until an IACUC approval is obtained.

For additional information or to register your research project, visit the IACUC website.

Animal Care Services (ACS)

Animal Care Services (ACS) provides oversight for the care and well-being of all animals used for research, teaching, and testing at UF.

Animal Research Task Force (ARTF)

An Animal Research Task Force was convened by Dr. Norton, Vice President for Research (VPR), in Summer 2016 to look holistically at the current UF processes, procedures, and policies in place for animal research. The goal was to identify opportunities to improve systems and infrastructure in order to facilitate animal research on campus. The work of the Task Force is in progress.

For additional information about ACS and the services it provides, visit the ACS website.