University of Florida word mark

UFIRST Updates

UFIRST update January 17, 2025

Issues addressed:

  • Locked Value and Current Value columns added to Award/Project Summary table on Subaward and Subaward Mod workspaces
  • Security for “Manage Additional Access” (Awards), “Submit for Review” and “Approve Request for Modification” (Award Mods) activities updated to look at parent dept ID
  • Security for state transition to “Responsible Unit Review” (Award Mods) updated to look at parent dept ID
  • Helptext added to Agreement P1.0 Q5.0

Historical Patches:


December 13:
– 424 FORMS I
– Update security on Fund 214 Additional Viewer role

October 11:
-Core Office Compliance Review activities updated to flag for RISC/DRC Review when a sponsor/third party is NOT from a white-listed country (rather than any foreign sponsor/third party)
-424 update to 10.6.1: Update OMB expiration date in PDF generation templates, add NIH activity codes L70, S15

June 7:
-Additional fields added to Fund 214 Smartform to assist in reporting (Contract Research Organization, Third Party Organizations, Total Anticipated Amount). Total Anticipated Amount field will indicate a contract valuation.
-Remove Ownership activity added to Award Modifications.
-Validations added to Core Office Agreement Compliance Review activity and Complete DSP Review (Award/Award Mod) activity for TBD Third Parties.
-StringCleaner function added to fix unreadable Unicode characters.
-Minor bug fixes.

May 3:
-List of export-controlled areas of work on the Agreement/Award Compliance Form (ACF) is consolidated
-Significant Financial Interest (SFI) certification and PI certification are updated as required by the CHIPS and Science Act
-“Multi-PI” ad hoc review option is removed
-Updates to security for Fund 214 records
-Minor Bug Fixes

March 29:
– Additional Human Subjects questions for clinical research added to Proposal P3.0 Q1.0
– Fund 214 projects require a proposal
– “Expectation of funding” and “Confidentiality Agreement (CDA/NDA)” added to Agreement P1.0 Q1.0
– Agreement Type moved from Agreement P1.0 to Assign Document Negotiator and Core Office Agreement Compliance Review activities
– Countries listed in “Will you interact with an individual from, ship to, import from, or travel to a country listed below” have been updated. Countries list is found on Proposal P3.0 Q3.0(F), Agreement Compliance Form, and Award Compliance Form.
– Agreement Compliance Form updates:
Human Subjects and Vertebrate Animals sections included.
Project Description section included for unfunded agreements.
Adeno Associated Virus section removed.
– Worklist updates in Agreements, Awards, and Subawards modules


December 8:
– CRADA Agreement type no longer requires a proposal.
– Create Training Type property to facilitate future training per sponsor federal requirements.
– Create ability for specific Terms to no longer be selected.

November 3:
– “Total Anticipated Amount” moved from Award P1.0 to P5.4.
– DSP Contact on Award Summary tab updated to on Active, Expired, and Transferred Out Awards.
– Send to Responsible Unit activity on Awards inline with activity on Mods.
– “Mod Effective Date” added to Complete DSP Review and Initiate MyUFL Integration activities.
– Training Rework added to GWA Management tab to facilitate future updates to training course requirements.
– Minor bug fixes

September 8:
– Addition of Approvals tab on Agreements Module
– UEI updates to Subaward Module
– Update Biosafety questions on ACF Form
– Minor bug fixes

July 28:
– Addition of a Pending Protocol Approval state for both Awards and Award Modifications. Awards and mods will transition to this state after a unit has completed all of their responsibilities (completed SmartForm and all Key Personnel having completed their training, Compliance and Financial Interest Certification forms) and if the IRB and/or IACUC protocol linked on the award or modification is not in an approved state. Awards and mods will stay in this state until the protocol has been approved by the appropriate office and an automated overnight process runs.
– Prime Sponsor visible on all Worklists across all Modules.
– Move Attachments added on all modules.
– Additional details visible on slide-in page for specific protocol. Animal waste form information always present on Award P7.0 regardless of compliance answer.
– Proposal Core Office Request Changes activity inline with other Send Email activities and can select any recipient(s) that have access to the proposal.
– History log expansion to 100 items.
– Integration: additional data points now integrated on an award modification, including purpose, Sponsor Award ID, FAIN, Instrument type.
– Integration: sponsor/prime sponsor information exposed on myUFL Integration activity.
– Miscellaneous bug fixes.

April 28:
– Recently Viewed Widgets added to all Inboxes to allow for easier navigation to recently viewed items.
– Award Module: Remove Animal Waste question on Award P7.0. If collecting, receiving or using animal tissues or fluids, please fill out this form:
– All Modules: Human Subject Question and Mapping Changes, updating proposal P3.0 Q1.0 and allow for selection of IRB tool approvals, including the Nonhuman and Exempt Research tools. (If human subjects including human data or tissue will be used, either enter the current protocol (even if only in flight and not approved) or mark ‘NOT YET APPLIED FOR’. UFIRST will read the protocol information to determine appropriate routing onto the SF-424, agreement, and award modules.)

March 17:
• Agreement Module: Core Office Agreement Compliance Review required on all Agreement types.
• Agreement Module: Agreement Compliance Form to read Other party organization for domestic/international routing.
• Agreement Module: All Key Personnel listed on a Master Agreement to complete SFI activity.
• Award Module: Addition of Smartform P1.0 Q16.0 Identify any third party organizations…involved in this project. This data maps in from the Proposal and/or Agreement modules if available.
• Award Module: Award Compliance Form to read Other party organization for domestic/international routing.
• Award Modification Module: Addition of Smartform P6.0 Q12.0 Identify any third party organizations…involved in this project.
• All Modules: Protocol funding source information available by clicking on the protocol ID link in the Smartform.
• Minor Bug Fixes (AGR/AWD modules).

January 13:
424 Form Updates


December 16:
424 Forms H
Miscellaneous other bug fixes

November 18:
RSH500 requirement now mandatory

November 11:
Portal 10 Upgrade

June 10:
424 update

May 27:
• Proposal Module: Removal of question on Proposal SmartForm Page 3.0 Question 5.0
• Proposal Module: Increased functionality for DSP Manager role on proposals in post-submission states.
• All Modules: Minor bug fixes
• Updated infrastructure for future One.UF alerts

April 15:
424 update
• Support for additional forms, including R&R Subaward Attachment Form V3.0
• Correct personnel sorting issue as described in Jan 28 email to Research Listserv

February 18:
• SF424 Updates
• Scripps F&A Rate

February 11:
• Proposal Module: Allow for PI Certification in additional states.
• Proposal Module: Update recipient list on PI Certification Needed’ notification
• Proposal Module: Remove Warning indicating Ad-Hoc Review is needed for a Multi-PI proposal certification.

January 21:
• Proposal Module: Combine PI Certification and Significant Financial Interest (SFI) Certification activities into one activity
• Proposal Module: Automate Collection of Multiple PD/PI certification process
• Minor bug fixes

January 7:
SF424 Forms G


2016 Server upgrade

October 6:
One.UF background work.

August 27:
Garbage Collection Maintenance.

July 23:
424 update to prepare for Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) transition.

June 11:
Award Module:
• Only allow one open Modification at a time
• Core Office Director Signature Workflow now available in the Award Modification space
• Miscellaneous bug fixes

Proposal Module:
• SmartForm page 3.0 question 1.0 (Human Subjects) will expose third question if answers to 1.0a and 1.0b are Yes, allowing user to indicate use of specific data sets (i2b2, COVID-19 De-identified Clinical Databank).

April 23:
Award Module:
• Enable Change Tracking on Awards and Modifications – highlights what changes were made on a record as it moved from state to state which allows for faster review.
• Complete Deliverable Activity improvements
• IRB/IACUC expiration date display update when both exception and expiration date exist on protocol record.
• IRB/IACUC award modification smartform updates so now consistent with treatment on award smartform pages.
• Award modification – if financial, date or term & condition modification type selected, expose new subquestion. If subquestion answered positively, require the Award Compliance Form to be recompleted by the PI.
• Allow DSP to run DSP Compliance Review activity multiple times on a record without requiring new ACF from PI.

All Modules:
• Miscellaneous bug fixes

Proposal Module:
• Update questions in ‘Complete SFI Certification Activity’.
• Allow only DSP Managers to terminate a proposal after it has been submitted.

Agreement Module:
• Updated Security on legacy Agreement module.

February 19:
All Modules:
• Send Email activity simplification
• Manage Reminders activity available for all roles with UFIRST access – allows user to add reminders to an individual UFIRST record. Reminder detail will only display in History log for individual who set the reminder
• Individual profiles in UFIRST now include a checkbox for ‘Receive NOA (Award) Emails’. This check box is only available if you have the Viewer Role. Checking this box will allow you to be copied on UFIRST notifications announcing a new award or modification is complete. For information on how to update your profile, see:
• Miscellaneous bug fixes

Proposal Module:
• Reset & request changes updates that bring UFIRST automatic routing in line with recently issued guidance for proposal revisions prior to submission to sponsor
• Complete Budget Revisions activity now includes a deadline date
• Ready to Submit button removed
Agreement Module:
• Page 1.0 Question 12.0 – Option to request standard UF template for any agreement type – attaching a document is no longer required if this question is marked as YES
• Page 4.0 Question 2.0 (if applicable) – Human Subject Use revised questions for clarity and content.

Subaward Module:
• Help Text updates
• Worklist updates
• FDP Template form updated to stay consistent with current FDP template

CAS Module:
• Account code updates


December 11, 2020

All Modules:

Wording clarification on SFI sections
Bug fixes

February 2021

Proposal Module

a. Requirement at time of proposal to comply with Public Health Service (PHS) and National Science Foundation (NSF) regulations concerning research and Significant Financial Interest (SFI) compliance move from DSP-05 PDF attachment to an activity within the UFIRST Smartform.
b. F&A base and F&A rate for Period 1 now shown on ‘Budget Workspaces’ tab for quick reference.

Award Module

a. Traffic light behavior updated for more clarity on issue behind red or yellow light.
b. Update existing effort date validation on Modification page 8.8 for clarity.
c. Remove validations to confirm if Terms & Conditions page was populated prior to state change.

All Modules

a. Update out of date hyperlinks, references and typos throughout Smartforms and Help text.

May 1, 2020

Proposal & Agreement Modules

a. Reword Q1 and Q4 of PHS SFI form; remove Q2 & Q3 for clarity.
b. Minor bug fixes

Award Module

a. New question on page 7.0 Compliance Review Q2.0 Live Vertebrate Animals. This new question will always need answered, even if the answer to Live Vertebrate Animals is ‘No’.
b. Implement new ‘Miscellaneous Donor Check’ Modification type. This Financial modification subtype is only available when the sponsor of the award is identified as Miscellaneous Donors, and allows for increased data collection and an abbreviated workflow. *If you have a check for your Miscellaneous Donor award please use this new Modification type.*
c. Minor bug fixes including Deliverables tab and Ad Hoc Review type display.

Subaward Module

a. Template Mapping updates and minor bug fixes.

All Modules

a. Across all worklists, add Principal Investigator (or Project Manager) last name and first name column for improved searching and award/project identification.

July 10, 2020


New ‘Deliverables’ icons at top of the Inbox indicate Deliverables due in the next 30 days and Deliverables Past Due. A reminder that the Deliverables feature is available on the Award module and allows for tracking and attachment of any and all deliverables (reports, etc) submitted over the life of the award. Use this feature to set up deliverables for yourself and faculty to get reminders when it is time to submit.

Award Module

a. Addition of read-only ‘Active Award Total’ column on Budget Reconciliation page on Financial Award modifications, allowing for easier tracking of cumulative award totals across all allocations.
b. Additional feature on the Project Details tab of all modifications, highlighting any changes made on that modification.
c. Removal of ‘Early Termination’ modification type – when a modification is necessary to indicate an award is ending early, please use a Date Modification to indicate the date reduction and reason for such.

Minor bug fixes across all modules.

August 21, 2020


On SFI activity, allow ability to import answers from a previously submitted proposal.

Awards/Award Modifications:

When an award is created from a proposal, allow ability to import compliance answers from related agreement where those activities were already completed. Best practice guidance is to create the award from an agreement record, if present, but some scenarios require award creation prior to agreement completion. This option maintains integrity of compliance activity answers.
Miscellaneous Donor modification required documentation question updated – check/proof of payment will now attach to ‘Attach Official Modification Documents’ question on page 1.0.
Minor bug fixes.


Addition of Research COI role for Core Office.
Modifications in Process Worklist optimization.
Agreement security rework to prevent unnecessary reduced site performance.

November 6, 2020

Upgrade system to Portal 9:

• Rather than pop-ups on Smartforms, the subpages “slide-in.” Note this is only within the Smartform not for activities which are still pop-ups. While this reduces the chance that you’ll forget to hit ok, this does present a challenge if you want two parts of the Smartform open at the same time. To achieve this, right click on the left menu page you want to open a second “slide-in” and say open in new [tab or window] depending on your preference.
• Side navigation bar rather than ‘Jump To’.
• ‘Validate’ instead of Hide/show errors in the left menu.
• Continue/save/exit on the bottom of the page only.
• Continue where you left off feature – takes you right back where you were within the record!
• Locations where you manage attachments in the Smartforms – ‘Delete’ is no longer an X but instead click on the ellipses […] to bring up administrative options for the attachment.
• “You’re on the same page” note when on the same page in the same record as someone else– in edit mode only.
• Once a record becomes active, the Smartform becomes one long page – no need to click forward to move to additional pages.


November 2019

Proposal Module

a. As ‘Other Sponsored Activity’ is not a recognized mission per the University’s financial statements and is no longer a project purpose available at time of award set-up, removed ‘OSA’ as an option on IFAS Only Project Purpose page 3.3.
b. Updated validation error message when question 3.F on page 3.0 is left blank.
c. Added deferred validation to check for cost share items without a cost share type.
d. Corrected ‘Invited’ and ‘Not Invited’ pre-proposal states incorrectly appearing in watch list.
e. Applied SF424 update to increase forms supported.
f. Updated fields on DSP Unassigned and 424 Presubmission worklists.

Agreement Module

a. The “New Award” button is now an activity vs a button on the workspace; will issue a warning when attempting to create an award or Fund 214 project from a proposal or agreement that already has one in place.
b. Implemented notification ‘FCOI Managed’ for DSP staff.
c. Complete PI Concurrence Activity enhancement: is now more in line with subaward version of same activity.
d. On activities that fully execute agreements, allow negotiators to select a document from the list of official documents as their fully executed official document.

Award Module

a. The “New Award” button is now an activity vs a button on the workspace; will issue a warning when attempting to create an award or Fund 214 project from a proposal or agreement that already has one in place.
b. Updates to existing personnel commitments that were formerly done by editing rows on Modification P8.8 can now only be done by the Core Office via an activity on a Personnel modification. Requested changes to existing commitment rows can be communicated using the Notes box on Modification P8.8.
c. Modification P8.8 now includes a place for attachments.
d. Notes entered on Commitment entry pages in Award and Modification smartforms will carry forward for easy visibility into the history of changes.
e. Warning on Modification P8.8 when a new row of commitment creates overlap (when a row is added for a person that already has existing effort in same time frame).
e. Snapshot of original award setup available on Modifications tab; this is only available for awards integrated after 11/22/2019 – is not a retroactive change.
f. Sponsor award date can be updated on an Award Demographics mod (allow updates to sponsor award date that is updated when a Temp award is made Permanent).
g. Minor integration bug fixes.

Subaward Module

a. Updated financial questionnaire form sent to subrecipients, when triggered.
b. On Subaward Fully Execute activity, by default pull in document from the Core Office Signature response activity.
c. Updated display on Risk Assessment tab.

CAS Exemption Module

a. When existing award/project goes from TEMP to Permanent via a modification, C&G owner of active CAS exemption(s) will receive notification.
b. Update security via ‘Manage Additional Access’ activity to be consistent with other modules.

April 26, 2019

1. Budget Revisions – when a budget revision is initiated and changes are made, a summary of those changes will now be available that the budget level. Navigating to the individual budget workspace will show changes from old to new, as well as Adjustments to individual categories. Navigate to Budget Workspaces and click on the working budget link (not the Smartform pages).
2. Post Submission Updates (PSU) – Currently, the “Notify Core Office of Post Submission Update” activity is used to request a PSU update by the unit or the Core Office. With the Friday update, this activity becomes “Initiate Post Submission Update”. This activity is used to initiate any request for post submission update – a Just In Time request, an updated Current and Pending, an equipment quote, other miscellaneous documents needed, etc. Once the request type is selected and a deadline is entered, you can indicate if the PSU is completed and you would like to send to DSP, or if the responsible unit needs to provide the PSU requested information. If sending to the unit, you can select the recipients of the email you are about to send. To complete the Post Submission Update, the unit will utilize the “Notify Core Office of Post Submission Update” activity. This activity is the same as was previously completed and will route the PSU back to the Core Office. The Core Office will then complete the PSU, or can send it back to the unit if they require additional information. For more information on Post Submission Updates, please see this section of our website
a. The “Notify Core Office of Post Submission Update” activity no longer has options to notify the Core Office a proposal is Not Funded or Withdrawn. Those actions can be completed on another activity.
3. Other Proposal updates:
a. Red text will display at the top of the budget personnel grid if any personnel listed have a salary listed that does not match their profile.
b. Clarified wording on Proposal P3.0 Question 3.0.
c. The Human Subjects/de-identified data or tissue question that was formerly on P3.1 will now show on P3.0 immediately after Q1.0a: Human subjects including human data or tissue or collection of data through surveys? Answer Yes – Will you use only de-identified data or tissue… appears. If both Q1.0 a & b are marked ‘YES’ – this will map to ‘NO’ on the Human Subjects question on the 424 (if applicable). Page 3.1 Human Subjects will not appear in the Proposal Smartform pages if the answer to Q1.0a & b is YES and Q1.0c is NO.
d. Select the appropriate IRB Exemption numbers below on P3.1 Q1.0 will no longer appear if the IRB Review status is Exempt. If requested, that information will need manually entered on the 424.
4. Agreement updates:
a. If the agreement is created from a proposal that is not yet in Pending Sponsor Review, red text will appear at the top of the AGR workspace notifying you the PRO needs to be in Pending Sponsor Review prior to Fully Executing the agreement.
b. The sponsor awardID is no longer required upon initial AGR data entry, but will be required prior to full execution.
5. Award updates:
a. Upon award integration, a selected program code will validate against the selected purpose. This provides for improved accuracy in reporting.
b. If the PI was given PI eligibility for that specific award only, red text will appear at the top of the award workspace.
c. Various additional integration bug fixes.

July 12, 2019

Proposal Module Updates
a. Campus users can now mark pre-proposals as ‘Invited’ and link to their full proposal record.
b. The Submission deadline question has been moved to not be confused with start and end dates   (is now Q4.0 on P1.0 of the Smartform).
c. Copied proposals no longer copy the deadline or any associated attachments (with the exception of solicitation or scope of work documents), to prevent confusion with new deadline and/or documents.
d. After a proposal is marked ‘Yes’ for Live Vertebrate Animals, the IACUC Protocol Selector is available to link to the appropriate protocol (now consistent behavior across all modules).
e. PI Certify and PI Eligibility Status Approval activities now available in ‘Pending Proposal Team Response: Post Submission’ state.
f. Approvers are automatically refreshed when Respond to Change Request Activity completed.
g. Complete SF424 activity enhancement: reduces steps for Core Office and automatically saves generated 424 PDF to Submission documents.
h. IF a country is indicated on Smartform page 3.0 Questions 3.A-3.E that is also listed as an embargoed country in 3.F but is not selected in 3.F, UFIRST will throw a validation error.
i. Validations will run on Complete Post Submission Updates Activity – will prevent you from completing without a deadline or title entered on the Smartform (similar to validations at time of original proposal submission).
j. Disappearing Ad Hoc Approval issue fixed.

Agreement Module
a. Human subject and animal questions are now on pages 4.0 & 5.0 of the Smartform, not the Agreement Compliance Form (ACF). If the agreement includes funding to UF, a proposal is required and these questions will show the read-only Y/N answers of what was on the proposal module, with additional human subjects details or protocol selectors, as applicable. If the Agreement is of a type that does not require a proposal, those questions will be open for edits on the AGR smartform. Edits to these Yes/No answers can only be made by contacting DSP.
b. ACF changes – this will impact Principal Investigators! The Global Compliance section of Proposal Smartform P3.0 Q3.0 is now also incorporated into the ACF. These questions and answers will copy over as entered at time of PRO but should be edited and updated with additional details, information, or changes as known at time of agreement.
c. Data Use Agreements are now routed to the Office of Clinical Research (OCR). A reminder that a Data Use Agreement (DUA) is an agreement that governs the sharing of data between research collaborators who are covered entities under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. A DUA establishes ways in which the information in a limited data set (LDS) as defined in 45 CFR 164.514(e)(2) may be used by the intended recipient, and how that data set is protected.
d. IT Security placeholder section removed from ACF; Last question of ACF reworded for clarification.
e. PI Concurrence does not carry over to an AGR Modification from original AGR, but is optional.

Award Module
a. ACF changes – this will impact Principal Investigators! The Global Compliance section of Proposal Smartform P3.0 Q3.0 is now also incorporated into the ACF. These questions and answers will copy over as entered at time of PRO but should be edited and updated with additional details, information, or changes as known at time of award.
b. IT Security placeholder section removed from ACF.
c. Last question of ACF reworded for clarification.
d. ‘Other Sponsored Activity’ is not a recognized mission per the University’s financial statements and as such is no longer available as a project purpose. All projects should select the appropriate institutional mission: research, instruction, or service (including extension and public health services).  Please see the updated language on our website: If you have questions about project purpose, please contact
e. IRB/IACUC protocols entered at time of proposal will copy onto the award Smartform.
f. FCOI completion, management and bypass activities extended to DSP Review, DRC Review, and C&G Review states.
g. FCOI display on summary workspace enhanced for greater visibility into status of FCOI.
h. Comments from Send FCOI Certification reminder activity included in corresponding notification it generates.

All Modules
a. Create Date [of record] added to In Progress worklist.

August 16, 2019

Issues addressed:

Proposal Module
a. Add deferred validation to check for cost share items without a cost share type assigned.
b. Read version of Proposal P3.3 Question 2.0 now shows the full name of the selected IFAS project type instead of the abbreviation.
c. When an agreement is created from the Proposal, ‘Agreement Created’ activity will log on parent proposal history log. ‘Agreement Executed’ activity will log when fully executed.
d. PI Certify activity will always be the first activity listed in My Activities section of the workspace.

Award Module
a. Updated notification(s) to DRCGS.
b. Warning triggered for DSP upon submission to C&G and C&G prior to myUFL Integration in the following scenarios: Award PI, key personnel, project manager, effort commitment rows for a person who is currently listed as Inactive in their myUFL HR record. Impacts new award and modification and is a warning only.
c. Closed project validation false positive bug corrected.
d. Inbox Updated activity no longer visible on history log.


November 9, 2018

  • Incorporated DSP outgoing subaward tool functionality into UFIRST Subawards module.

January 10, 2018

  • Allow modifications to Confidentiality & Master Agreements
  • Enhance PI eligibility approval to be performed in all UFIRST modules and carry over between modules
  • Add History Option to Official Documents in the Agreements Module
  • Give OCR Staff read access to all awards and award mods
  • Show official attachments on Activity 18 “Sent Redline Request to Sponsor”
  • Add Deadline column to the new agreement inbox
  • Display KK level on project details works space in Award & Modifications
  • Add Activity in Agreements to Send PI Concurrence Email Reminder
  • Updates to help text
  • Show name of person responsible for completing the Compliance Form on the “Send Agreement Compliance Reminder”
  • Preserve paragraph spacing on “Note to History Log” in Award & Modifications
    Show “Update Inbox” and “Move Attachments” activities in the history log
  • Do not allow future dates to be entered for “Date of Correspondence” on the “Note to History Log Activity”
  • When new project created on a mod, validate that the new project’s end date is not greater than the award end date.
  • Ensure bypass training activity retains when the award and modification state changes
  • Remove Award modification from Creator’s DO box is populated when the in DSP Review or C&G Review
  • Remove ability to select departments as prime sponsors in Proposal SmartForm
  • DSP: Move the Add Reporting Data fields onto the “Submitted or Release to Submit” activity
  • Fix Sponsor column on the Proposal Related Items tab to show Direct Sponsor
  • Remove the “Award Received” activity from Proposal
  • Allow for reset approvers when proposal is in Cost Share Review and Allow Option to Reset Cost Share Approvers after they have approved
  • Add Primary Sponsor display to Proposal Summary Workspace
  • C&G: Fix mass update of C&G owner to affect child departments
  • Add OCR Staff/Manager to Subaward activities

February 23, 2018

  • Clinical Trial Agreements can be submitted directly to UFIRST and will route to OCR for human subjects research agreements, a proposal is no longer required for NON-FEDERAL CTA’s
  • Awards can now be generated directly from Clinical Trial Agreements, without the creation of a proposal. OCR will complete the setup activities in UFIRST
  • The award will be setup and activated from the Office of Clinical Research, including your 214 project in myUFL
  • Prior cash-based projects will be converted into the new 214 Module so they can be managed using these new toolsets
  • This is an expanded scope of the use of the 214 fund. Any NON-FEDERAL Clinical Trial will be released in Fund 214, as long as capitation or per case reimbursement is being utilized
  • Enhancements to check and deposit tracking will be included in the new module
  • Notifications will be driven upon Award activation in the 214 module, and deposit notifications will come from OCR.

March 9, 2018

  • ACF workflow for CTA agreements updated.
  • Enhancement Request: Award Workspace IRB/IACUC Stoplights
  • Lock SmartForm Activity needs to check that at least one official document is attached.
  • Additional Rules for Exposing FCOI Certification Q 5.0 “SFI”.
  • Person replaced on previous mod still shows up as an option for resubmitting FCOI on the “Updated Compliance Required” activity.
  • Cannot remove documents as non-site admin on fund 214 if documents came from agreement.
  • Add Proposal ID to Demographics sections on each of the budget grids.
    Ownership Assigned Details in history log should show assignee instead of the assigner.
  • Within the modification smartform, indicate which projects have a status of “closed”.
  • Project Worklist: The “Project Start Date” and “Project End Date” columns are incorrectly showing the Award Start and End Date.
  • On award mod, the “Request Changes” activity sends back to Draft state instead of Pending Responsible Unit Edits state.
  • Following the Agreements Release Nov. 2017, the Manage FCOI activity does not render correctly on Award Mods.
  • Prevent the “Check Training Completion Date” activity from updating the Date Modified value on Award Mods.
  • On copyback, new allocations that are auto-created on carryover modifications are sometimes losing their projects associations.
  • Prevent inactive source of funds from being selected as sources of funds when integrating an award or mod.
  • Delete CFDA if not applicable on P1.0 of award.
  • Add an OK/Cancel prompt to the “Expired” activity, make it visible to site managers, and add to the “Administration” activity group.
  • Update selection filters on Set Award Relationships.
  • Add Solicitation with link to details on Proposal Summary Workspace
    Protocol tables should show project ID not project name.
  • Projects Worklist needs Award State column.
  • Mod Effective Date now activity validation on “Complete DSP Review”.
  • If you delete a project, the reference to that project from any effort commitments that were tied to it are not cleared.
  • Change project unit on Core Office Correction mod.

March 30, 2018

  • Add Minimum DSP Received date as field on PreSubmit Tab & Inbox (proposal worklist).
  • Add Target/Published Deadline Proposal P1.0 Q9.0 & WorklistView.
  • Display user friendly error message if “Create SF424” activity is attempted without an opportunity ID.
  • The Ad Hoc Review Response activity box displays a “Date Requested” value that is converted to UTC time. Instead, show the actual, stored EST time.
  • The Attachment’s Tab timestamp has 12:00 PM – 12:59 PM as 12:00 AM – 12:59 AM and vice versa
  • Create a deferred validation error when either the solicitation or opportunity questions are left blank on page 1.3.
  • Cash Project Details tab not rendering correctly in PRD.
  • Cash Received to Date not populating on Cash Project Summary Workspace.
  • Cash Project: Check for in-progress protocols on the “Complete OCR Review” activity.
  • Cash Project: OCR request to see in red text the PI has not done training.
  • Get rid of the “All Projects” text from the Deposits tab of Cash Project workspace.
  • Negative IDC on Subaward Budget Grid.
  • Issues caused by removing periods when personnel exist on a budget and cost share budget.
  • Cost Share Persists when budget row deleted using method disclosed in this issue.
  • The 34.1% AREC 32.6% On-Sponsor IDC Rates default in as 34.099998474121094% and 32.599998474121094% respectively.
  • Do not check that estimated cumulative total is less than total anticipated amount from parent award if Sub Mod’s parent is Fund 214.
  • The Project Details tab on Award only will not show project details if only unreleased allocations are associated with it.
  • The Check Training Completion Dates activity should not cause state transition if FCOI or ACF are still outstanding.
  • FCOI Certification read security should be limited to core office and compliance only.
  • Revert back FCOI changes from last release that led to FCOI being wiped out for personnel upon modification completion.
  • Add a note box to the bottom of the Award SmartForm Page 1.0.
  • The person who completed the last C&G award/mod completion activity should be added to the award/mod completion notifications.[Search Tags: Initiate MyUFL Integration, Complete Modification Without Integration]
  • On the project details tab of the award workspace, the project dates displayed do not include the dates from unreleased allocations.
  • Do not allow negative entry of cost share or sal request months for effort commitment.
  • IRB/IACUC deferred validations not triggering correctly on award mods.
  • Fix “99 MOD” sponsor MOD ID issue.
  • Don’t expose effort page on revised budget mods.
  • If you indicate that an existing protocol should be deleted and then save the page, the checkmark does not persist.
  • Need ability to remove Mentor on mod.
  • If you select “Create New Project” after having selected and saved “Compliance”, an error is generated.
  • Unable to make the former mentor a PI if that mentor is being removed or replaced by another mentor.
  • Deferred Validation: “You must have a non-zero Total Anticipated…” should reference page 8.7 instead of 6.0 in the Jump To column.
  • Agreement Notification 13 “Review Agreement Compliance Form”. Do not include attachments. Instead add links to them at bottom of email.
  • Agreement Notification 11 “PI Concurrence Requested”. Do not include attachments. Include as links at end of email instead.
  • Agreement Notification 35 “Agreement Sent to DRC”. Do not include attachments. Instead, add as links to bottom of email.
  • Agreement Notification 31 “Core Office Director Approval Requested”. Do not include attachments. Add links to them at end of email instead.
  • Agreement Notification 32 “Core Office Director Response”. Do not include attachments in email. Add as links to bottom of email instead.
  • Agreement Notification 20 “Fully Executed”. Do not include attachments. Instead add links to them at bottom of email.
  • Add document negotiator as a person to be selected in Q 1.0 of the Send Email activity.
  • Agreement Page 1 – Make start and end date deferred validations.
  • Agreement SmartForm: Move the sponsor email question directly above the additional contact information question on P 1.0 Q 15.0
  • Agreement Worklist In Progress Tab: Column misspelling “Responsible Core Office.”

November, December 2017

December 15, 2017

  • Facilitate Temporary PI status indicator in UFIRST rather than integrate from myUFL
  • Removal of Compliance form requirement for DUA, CDA & Master agreements. Move Human Subjects questions to the SmartForm
  • Update of Human subjects questions on proposal, agreement and award to allow integration between modules and reduce unnecessary questions
  • Update Core Office Compliance Review functions to ensure proper review of export controls activity
  • Other bug fixes to the new Agreements text, workspaces and worklists

December 1, 2017

  • Update SF424 to accommodate NIH Forms-E

November 17, 2017

  • Update agreements module to collect more information and facilitate compliance reviews
  • Implement auto determination of what agreements route to OCR vs DSP

June, July, August 2017

August 25, 2017

  • Ability to mass update C&G owners
  • Implement SF 424 version 3.5
  • Fix compound budget inflation calculation

August 11, 2017

  • CAS forms will be completed in and routed through UFIRST to C&G

July 7, 2017

  • Proposals & Agreements:
    1. Revise Country/international questions on Proposal SmartFrom page 3.0
    2. Allow removal of subawards from proposals even when budgets for other subawards exist
    3. Improve rounding & calculations in budgets including inflation for general cost items, rounding first period personnel costs, consistent rounding for effort & salary requested month formulas, and inflation on partial month periods
    4. Send notification when ad hoc review is approved
    5. Expand visible text in ad hoc review display
    6. Allow all campus users with edit access to the proposal to mark proposals as NOT FUNDED
    7. Improved validations to indicate if a limited opportunity was selected, if there are multiple NIH PI’s without ad hoc reviews required for PI certification, and NIH fellowships without ad hoc reviews required for fellow certification/
    8. Update to proposal and agreement workflow to automatically route appropriate work to the Office of Clinical Research
      1. Remove questions that drove indicators of Medicare Coverage Review required on human subjects work. 
      2. Change all labels for “DSP” to “CORE Office”
    9. Add prime sponsor question to the Agreements module
  • Awards & Modifications:
    1. Sort all locations where lists of projects show by projectID
    2. Redefine Protocol Exception Approval Workflow so that DSP Manages the IRB & IACUC Exception Dates
    3. Ensure link to myUFL for new projects created after initial award set up
    4. Send notification when ad hoc review is approved
    5. Remove errors when hide/show errors on reconciliation page
    6. Validate when trying to modify a closed project
    7. When compliance is bypassed, send record to DSP review not C&G review
    8. Include attachments from the DSP Award Comlpiance review activity in the email notification to DRC
  • Subawards
    1. Show warning if subaward is associated  with a temp project
    2. Send notification to subaward contact when a financial or date modification is completed on the parent award.

June 9, 2017

  • Auto expose protocol/compliance page when creating new project
  • Prevent inactive sponsors from being selected
  • Improve subaward worklists and inbox filters

June 2, 2017

  1. Expand Viewer role to proposals & agreements
  2. Allow Subaward Owner to be changed on subaward mod
  3. Add Subaward Worklist Filters to include project details
  4. Add a SmartForm “Jump-to” selector on the UFIRST workspace
  5. Show post submission proposal deadline on the inbox rather than original proposal deadline
  6. Expand Viewer role to include all UFIRST modules
  7. Add Project Manager as a search field on the All Projects Tab
  8. Send  notification to DSP Owner if Manage FCOI or Manage Award Compliance Form is completed while in the DSP Review
  9. Exempt, Exempt Approved, Emergent Use, Converted, or Closed Protocols should never send shutdown or warning notification even if exception date is present.
  10. On the All Projects Worklist, align the rows despite wrapping
  11. Disapproved by Department, Terminated, Withdrawn, Not Funded proposals should not appear in the proposal Inbox WATCH box unless user has a pending ad hoc review.
  12. Only send Award Mod Notification to project level recipients when that project has changed
  13. On financial award mod, create selection of increase for release of additional temp funding
  14. Fix problem when an early termination mod is withdrawn, next mod marks award as terminated. 
  15. Improvements to fix errors in integration & validation between UFIRST and myUFL

March, April, May 2017

May 5, 2017

  1. Inbox was separated into “do” lists and “watch” lists
  2. Update inbox when departmental personnel change
  3. Budget Smartforms: make consistent the rounding, inflation impact and calculations for salary budgets
  4. Project end dates and KK dates when carryover authorized should reflect all allocations, released or not
  5. Fix UFIRST to myUFL integration bugs

April 21, 2017

  1. Expand who can perform the “Update Project IDC Centers” activity to include administrators on the parent project departments.
  2. On Award Mod page 11.0, simply remind users that subaward mods may need to be created.
  3. On DSP Acknowledge Subaward – DSP must enter the DSP Subaward Tool ID and an email will be automatically triggered to the Project Manager & Subaward Contact that DSP has been acknowledged.
  4. Limit the content of the DSP Unassigned tab to only include DSP review & Under Negotiation states
  5. Create Activity for DSP to correct parent subaward data when on modifications and make “DSP Subaward Tool ID Correction” available in all parent subaward states. Add ability for DSP to change total allocation amount, estimated cumulative total, budget period dates, and project period dates on Core Office Correction activity.

April 14, 2017

  1. Complete overhaul of the subawards functionality
  2. Award Modifications: new temp option on the increase funding selection on Page 3.1 Q 1.0
  3. Award Modifications: new projects created on modifications link to myUFL activated
  4. IDC center allocation updates moved to an activity not modification
  5. Wherever departments are displayed on Proposals, Budgets, and Agreements, display the DeptID
  6. Make all options for selecting recipients of the Send Email Activity consistent across Proposal, Award, and Mod.
  7. Effort Commitments for one month based on days and therefore a 28 day or 31 day month might display as 0.98 or 1.02 months
  8. Allow Award Modification to change more titles and demographics
  9. Award Mod page 1.0 add Internal Notes box separate from Modification Description field
  10. Expand “mod type detail” column in Award Workspace Modification tab and correct title on “net dollar change” column
  11. Allow expanded DSP authority to remove protocols when entered incorrectly
  12. When DSP notes “Sponsor Approval Received” on a modification, send to DSP Review not C&G Review
  13. Correct Project Details table and Budget Release amount to include Indirect Manual Adjustment Amount
  14. Correct that Project Units changed on a mod revert back to the old project unit once a subsequent mod is completed
  15. Allocations selected to be made perm should be automatically unselected once the temp-made-perm question is set to “no”.
  16. Attachments tab – “Uploaded By” column needs to show the most recent uploader instead of the original one.
  17. Allow DSP to move attachments between internal and official on Award Modifications.

March 17,2017

  1. Attachments workspace:
    1. All column headers are now sortable
    2. Any activity that allows a user to attach a document now posts those attachments to a new “Activity Documents” section on the workspace.  Along with the link to the attachment, the section includes the activity that was performed when the document was loaded (i.e. ad hoc review, send email), the executor of that activity and the date it was loaded.
    3. For proposal FCOI documents, we have added the person name & role to the section where the attachments are loaded.  We have combined the PI section with all other key personnel for a single listing and easy sorting.
    4. The Date Uploaded column now reflects the last version loaded rather than the date the original version was loaded (note that the Uploaded By still reflects the original person  but will be fixed on April 7)
    5. DSP now has an activity to ‘move’ attachments between submission/official and Internal sections of the workspace to maintain better clarity in the documents
  2. Temps: 
    1. When you do an award modification on any award for which NO PROJECTS are in temp status, you will no longer see the question “Are you indicating that sponsor  authorization has been received for any current temporary projects (temporary-made-permanent)?”
    2. When you do an award modification on any award for WITH PROJECTS IN TEMP STATUS and answer yes to “Are you indicating that sponsor authorization has been received for any  current temporary projects (temporary-made-permanent)?,” you will immediately be presented with a list of projects in temp status from which you select the projects you wish to make permanent.  This eliminates the need for an additional page in the process where that list was previously presented.
  3. Effort Commitments:  When a row has been created in error or if you need to completely remove an individual from future effort commitments, you can now mark an effort row for deletion rather than having to zero out the commitment as done previously.
  4. IRB/IACUC protocols:
    1. If humans or animals was marked yes in error and subsequently changed to no, we have corrected the way the old protocol stays linked with the project.  Please note that if human or animal work EVER occurred, it should REMAIN YES and the protocol appropriately CLOSED with the committee.  This is only for projects where the original response was in error.
    2. If a project has an exception from the Asst Vice President for Research Compliance to proceed without having an approved protocol in place and then subsequently garners approval, the data is now accurately updated.
  5. March 10, 2017

    1. The PI Certification activity is now available in all Proposal states: If a PI changes for any reason during the submission process, the new PI will now have the option to certify electronically.
    2. Application type (New, Resubmission, Renewal, etc) on the Proposal Smartform is now a required question. A proposal can no longer be submitted for review and approval without a response to this question.
    3. The customized budget periods functionality has been improved so that whole month periods no longer show as 1.02 or 2.02, but 1 or 2.
    4. Security for Proposal Edit Access has been further refined. Users that do not have Edit access (grants approvers, UFAs, any other user that was provided view access) to the Proposal Smartform and Budget no longer have the ability to execute the Submit for Review and Approval, Respond to Change Request, Respond to DSP Change Request, or Submit Post Submission Response activities. These activities are now restricted only to users with edit access.
    5. Faculty should no longer be receiving extraneous emails to complete their FCOI certifications if they have already successfully done so: From here out, if a faculty member has already completed their FCOI activity and they receive a notification to go back into UFIRST and re-certify, this is an intentional request and the recertification will be required before the award can be released.
    6. Code has been updated to ensure that the reconciled and released budget amounts are reflected properly on the Project Details tab in the Awards module. In addition, the “Total Change” column in the Modification workspace has also been updated to ensure the proper figures are reflecting here as well.
    7. When setting up a new project within an award, the start date of the project cannot precede the overall award start date. Adjustments to the KK date to allow for pre-award spending are updated by C&G in myUFL.