University of Florida word mark

UFIRST Roles and Security

All UF employees have access to UFIRST through the Study Staff role.  Access to select records is through security assigned by each unit’s Grant Workflow Administrator or by being named on an individual Proposal, Award, Agreement or other transaction.

Click here for more information on UFIRST Security Roles.

Individuals who have a responsibility for an entire unit (e.g., Research Administrators, Coordinators, Accountants, Program Managers) or are responsible for approving records in UFIRST (generally Chairs, Directors, Deans, College Business Officers, and their approval delegates) will need additional UFIRST roles to perform these functions. For these individuals to gain the necessary access:

  1. Determine the UFIRST role(s) needed. If myUFL ARS role(s) are required, complete the necessary training(s) and engage your Department Security Administrator (DSA) to provide the myUFL role(s).
  2. Once any myUFL roles have been provided, submit a request to your Grants Workflow Administrator (GWA) to affiliate you with the unit(s) for which you will act in UFIRST. Click here to find your GWA. Ensure you are logged in, then select “Grants Workflow Administrator” from the list of roles and click “search”.

If you are changing jobs, notify the GWAs of your outgoing and incoming units so they can adjust your access as needed.

Individuals who have a University responsibility but no active UF job (e.g., Jacksonville Shands employees) will require a myUFL role and a Person of Interest (POI) code to be assigned in order to access UFIRST.

For questions about UFIRST roles and security, contact

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the proposal approval process work?

  1. The GWA lists the approvers in order for each unit (Division, Department, etc.). There can be a pool of approvers at any particular level (i.e., a Department may list the Chair, Vice Chair, and Department Business Officer as approvers for the Chair level.)
  2. Each proposal in UFIRST has a submitting department (unit). When the proposal is submitted for review and approval, the system looks at the submitting department approvers as set up by the GWA and adds all of them to the approval chain. This chain is recorded on the proposal.
  3. UFIRST sends an email to the first level of approvers. When any one of them approves, UFIRST sends an email to the second level of approvers, and so on, until all levels have completed the approvals.
  4. The proposal is routed automatically to DSP after the last approval.

How do I know what I see in my Inbox?

Your UFIRST Inbox is broken into “Do” and “Watch” sections. What you see in each section is identified on these matrixes.


GWA Management in UFIRST

Last updated 4/9/24