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FastLane SPO Access, Updates and Revised Budgets Instructions

SPO Access for Submission

How to allow SPO Access.

Proposal File Updates

The FastLane Proposal File Update Module allows UF to request the replacement of files or revision of other Proposal Attributes, associated with a previously submitted proposal.

A request for a proposal file update automatically will be accepted if submitted prior to:

  • The deadline date;
  • Initiation of external peer review in cases when a target date is utilized; and
  • Initiation of external peer review in the case of an unsolicited proposal.

A request for a proposal file update after the timeframes specified above will require acceptance by the cognizant NSF Program Officer.


  1. From the Fastlane Homepage, click on the link titled “Proposals, Awards, & Status”.
  2. Log into “PI/Co-PI Login”.
  3. Click on “Proposal Functions”.
  4. Click on “Proposal File Update”.
  5. Highlight the Proposal, and click the “Continue” button.
  6. Click the “Create New Update” button.
  7. Select the section of the file to be replaced.
  8. Click the “Replace File” button.
  9. The next screen will allow you to upload the replacement file.
  10. To submit the update, please click on allow “SRO Access.”
  11. Please notify DSP by routing a post submission update through the proposal in UFIRST

Preparing a Revised Budget in Fastlane


  1. Click the on link titled “Proposals, Awards, & Status” at
  2. Enter your login information into the “PI/Co-PI Login”box and click on the “Login” button.
  3. Click on the link titled “Proposal Functions.”
  4. Click on the link titled “Revised Submitted Proposal Budget.”
  5. Highlight your proposal and click the “View” button.
  6. The next page is titled “Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) Proposal Revised Budget”. Click the radio button next to “Edit the Budget” and click the “OK” button.
  7. Year One will appear under the Year column next to the organization name. To edit the budget for Year One click the “Funds” link.
  8. The Year One budget will then display on the screen and allow you to make any changes that are needed. Click on the “Calculate and Save” button to save the changes to this year.
  9. Repeat steps 7-8 to revise additional years if needed.
  10. From the main ‘Project Budget’ page, upload the entire revised budget justification (including supporting documentation) using the “Budget Impact Statement” option.
  11. To submit revised budget, click on “Forward Budget revision to SPO.”
  12. Please notify DSP by initiating a budget revision in UFIRST and routing a post submission update through the proposal in UFIRST.