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ORCID for Federal Disclosures

UF Research helps researchers populate their ORCID records. ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, has been a convenient tool for building an online academic presence for the last decade and is now becoming more prevalent due to upcoming changes in federal agency funding guidelines.

ORCID provides a unique identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. ORCID iDs are used in grant applications, publications, data sets, and more. The ORCID @ UF portal reduces administrative burden for researchers by allowing them to send grant funding and proposal data to ORCID with the click of a button. 

ORCID provides a digital persistent identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. And, you can use your iD to share your information with other systems (e.g. SciENcv), saving you time and hassle, and reducing the risk of errors.

“When our faculty come back in August, the rules surrounding federally funded research are likely to have changed considerably,” said UF Vice President for Research David Norton. “The need for an ORCID iD will be even greater, so we have been doing all we can to simplify the process for getting that iD and for populating their ORCID pages.”

The ORCID-to-UF connection allows the campus community to save time and benefit from up-to-date information about their research activities.  The process is simple and takes less than a minute to complete. To get started, visit the UF Research ORCID page

Information on curating your ORCID record (including the UF ‘Portal-to-ORCID’) can be found at

What are UF faculty saying about ORCID?

“I’ve had my ORCID iD for years. It’s easy to get one and then all of my publications, grants, affiliations, and memberships are stored in one place, even through name changes,” says UF anthropology Professor Connie Mulligan. “I’ve set my account to automatically add new papers so I get an email about a week after a new paper comes out to let me know that paper has been added to my ORCID record. It’s also great to look up other authors on publications and be able to see their academic record.”

Todd Brusko, a professor in the Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine, said “Publications represent the currency of academic science and the ORCID ID presents a critical and unambiguous method to link authors with their collective body of work. Furthermore, the ID creates a unique metadata identifier to place the work in the ever expanding and increasingly complex landscape of interdisciplinary academic scholarship.”

“Establishing an ORCID was quick and painless,” said Kyla McMullen, an assistant professor of computer and information science and engineering. “In my research community, it is becoming more common for journals to identify authors by ORCID. As a person whose last name is expected to change because of patriarchal marital tradition, the ORCID ensures that I will continue to be associated with my work.”