Disclosing Activities to Other Agencies - UF Research
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Disclosing Activities to Other Agencies

Most other sponsors including other federal agencies, state sponsors, and many non-profit research associations have requirements for disclosing international activities. The disclosure of foreign activities should be done within Current and Pending Support, the Biosketch, or as directed. Please read all instructions carefully. When in doubt, disclose, or contact DSP for assistance in reviewing requirements.

Disclosing Activities as Current and Pending Support

For many agencies, the term “current and pending support” refers to the types of “other support.” Current and pending support includes all resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to all of his/her research efforts, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value. Current and pending support also includes in-kind contributions (such as office or laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees, or students).

Disclosing Affiliations in Biosketch

Researchers should include all affiliations on their Biosketch. This includes any titled academic, professional, or institutional position, foreign or domestic, whether full time, part time, or voluntary, and whether or not compensation is received (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). Additionally, some affiliations or participation in foreign talent recruitment programs may also meet the definition of other support. If so, researchers should disclose the activity as described in the “current and pending” section above as well.

Prior to accepting any affiliation with another institution that requires a commitment of time or resources, and irrespective of whether the affiliation is compensated or not, UF faculty need to disclose the activity to the University and receive approval. This includes participation in foreign talent recruitment programs or other affiliations/appointments at another institution. Disclosure to UF requires that UF faculty use UF’s electronic system for disclosures, UFOLIO. Additional information on UF’s disclosure of outside activities process is within UF’s “Policy on Conflicts of Commitment and Conflicts of Interest.”

For questions about disclosing international engagements to UF, please visit International Engagement and Collaborations.