University of Florida word mark

Note: This list is not exhaustive, and the specific resources available may change over time. It’s always best to consult the official sponsor websites for the most up-to-date information.

General Grant Funding Resources

  • Centralized location for finding and applying for federal funding opportunities.
  • Pivot-RP: Database for funding opportunities and researcher profiles (requires institutional access).
  • Foundation Directory Online: Search tool for private foundation funding opportunities.
  • Federal Register: Announcements of grant opportunities and funding-related news.
  • Includes a section for funding and research development opportunities.
  • The Grantsmanship Center: Training and resources for finding and applying for grants.
  • A database for grant opportunities, including tools for grant management.
  • Platform for managing research grants and proposals

Sponsor Tools and Resources

National Science Foundation

The NSF supports research across a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines, including fundamental research in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and social sciences. USe the tool below to see where your proposal fits best.

Core NSF Resources:

  • NSF Homepage: The main NSF website, providing an overview of the agency, its mission, and current funding opportunities.
  • NSF Funding Opportunities: A searchable database of current NSF funding opportunities, allowing researchers to find relevant programs and deadlines.
  • NSF News & Events: News releases, press conferences, and upcoming events related to NSF research and activities.
  • NSF Awards Search: Search for information on awarded NSF grants, including project summaries and principal investigators.

For Proposal Development:

  • NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG): (As mentioned) The essential guide for all aspects of NSF proposal preparation and submission.
  • NSF Proposal Development Resources: A collection of resources to assist researchers in developing strong NSF proposals, including templates, checklists, and guidance on specific proposal components.
  • NSF Proposal Development Workshops: Workshops and training sessions offered by NSF and other organizations to provide guidance on proposal development.
  • NSF Merit Review Criteria: A detailed explanation of the criteria used by NSF to evaluate proposals, including intellectual merit and broader impacts.

NSF Directorates: Explore the specific research areas supported by each of the seven NSF directorates. Within each directorate, explore the specific research divisions and programs that align with your research interests.

  • Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)
  • Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE)
  • Directorate for Education & Human Resources (EHR)
  • Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
  • Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
  • Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS)
  • Directorate for Social & Behavioral 1 Sciences (SBE)

For Researchers at Different Career Stages:

Other Research-Related NSF Resources

  • CAREER Proposal Writing Tips from Successful Applicants (2007): Offers guidance from previous successful applicants on writing NSF CAREER proposals.
  • NSF Policy Office: Provides information on NSF policies related to funding, research, and proposal submissions.
  • FAQs on Merit Review and Broader Impacts: A resource that addresses frequently asked questions regarding NSF’s merit review criteria and broader impacts assessment.
  • Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG): The official NSF guide offering procedures and policies for submitting proposals and managing awards.
  • Resources & presentation from the NSF Grants Conference: Materials from the NSF Grants Conference, providing up-to-date guidance for researchers applying for NSF funding. (Last updated 2022)
  • NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program: A program designed to help researchers commercialize their innovations and translate them into viable technologies.
  • NSF Application Guide: Guidance on using the system to submit NSF proposals.
  • NSF Help Desk: Contact information for assistance with NSF applications and other inquiries.
  • NSF Public Affairs: News and resources for the public about NSF research and activities.
  • NSF Education & Human Resources: Information on NSF programs that support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
  • NSF Science & Technology Centers: Centers that conduct cutting-edge research and engage in broad public outreach.
  • NSF International Collaborations: Information on NSF programs and policies related to international research collaborations.
  • NSF Broader Impacts Criterion: Detailed information on how NSF evaluates the broader impacts of proposed research.

National Institute for Health

Core NIH Resources:

  • NIH Homepage: The main NIH website, providing an overview of the agency, its mission, and current funding opportunities.
  • NIH Funding Opportunities: A searchable database of current NIH funding opportunities, allowing researchers to find relevant programs and deadlines.
  • NIH News Releases & Press Releases: News and announcements about NIH research, discoveries, and initiatives.
  • NIH Grants & Contracts: General information about NIH funding mechanisms, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts.
  • NIH Grants Process Overview: A resource outlining the types of grants offered by NIH and the application process for each.

For Proposal Development:

  • NIH eRA Commons: A platform for researchers to register and submit applications, track the status of grants, and manage their NIH awards.
  • Biosketch Pages & Instructions: Guidelines and templates for creating biosketches as part of NIH grant applications.
  • Resources for writing applications: NIH resources that provide guidance on writing effective grant applications, including tips for each section of the proposal.
  • Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples: Detailed instructions and sample biosketches for NIH applications.
  • Writing Your Application: Provides advice on writing various sections of an NIH application, with tips from successful applicants. (from NIH Grants Process Overview):
  • NIH Application Guide: Guidance on using the system to submit NIH applications.
  • NIH Proposal Development Resources: A collection of resources to assist researchers in developing strong NIH proposals, including templates, checklists, and guidance on specific proposal components.
  • NIH Proposal Development Workshops: Workshops and training sessions offered by NIH and other organizations to provide guidance on proposal development.
  • NIH Merit Review Criteria: A detailed explanation of the criteria used by NIH to evaluate grant applications, including significance, innovation, approach, investigator(s), and environment.

For Specific Research Areas:

  • NIH Institutes & Centers: Explore the specific research areas supported by each of the 27 NIH Institutes and Centers (e.g., National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).
  • NIH Funding Opportunities by Institute/Center: Search for funding opportunities within specific NIH Institutes and Centers.

For Researchers at Different Career Stages:

  • NIH Loan Repayment Programs: Programs designed to repay education loans for researchers focused on health disparities or clinical research.
  • Career Awards (K grants): NIH funding opportunities for early-career researchers pursuing independent research careers.
  • NIH Training Grants: Funding opportunities to support the training of future biomedical researchers.
  • NIH Research Fellowships: Funding opportunities for postdoctoral researchers.

For Specific Funding Mechanisms:

  • NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs: (As mentioned) Funding opportunities for small businesses.
  • NIH R01 Grants: The most common type of NIH research grant, supporting investigator-initiated research.
  • NIH AREA (R15) Program: A program supporting small-scale research projects at institutions with less NIH funding history.
  • NIH R21 Grants: Exploratory/developmental research grants.
  • NIH P01 Grants: Program project grants supporting multi-investigator research teams.
  • NIH P30 Grants: Center grants supporting core research facilities and shared resources.

For Broader Impacts:

  • NIH Broader Impacts Criterion: Information on how NIH evaluates the broader impacts of proposed research.
  • NIH Community Engagement: Resources and initiatives related to community engagement and health equity.

Other Research-Related NIH Resources

  • NIH Help Desk: Contact information for assistance with NIH applications and other inquiries.
  • NIH User Support Center: Provides technical support for using eRA Commons and other NIH online systems.
  • NIH Director’s Blog: Insights and perspectives from the NIH Director on current research priorities and initiatives.
  • NIH RePORTER: A tool for exploring funded NIH projects, offering insights into ongoing research and potential collaborators.
  • NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs: Funding opportunities supporting small businesses working on health-related innovations and technologies.
  • NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program: A funding initiative supporting exceptionally innovative, transformative biomedical research.
  • NIH Common Fund: A program supporting cross-cutting research programs to address complex biomedical challenges.

    Department of Defense

    Core DoD Resources:

    • DoD Homepage: The main DoD website, providing an overview of the department and its mission.
    • DoD Research & Development: General information on DoD research and development programs and initiatives.
    • Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC): A repository of scientific and technical information for the DoD and the defense industrial base.

    For Proposal Development:

    • DoD Basic Research Office: Offers funding for basic scientific research that aligns with the Department of Defense’s needs and priorities.
    • DoD Grants & Awards Assistance: Provides resources and guidance for securing funding through DoD research programs.
    • DoD Grants & Awards Assistance: (As mentioned) Provides resources and guidance for securing funding through DoD research programs.
    • DoD Funding Opportunities: A searchable database of current DoD funding opportunities, allowing researchers to find relevant programs and deadlines.
    • DoD Proposal Development Resources: Resources to assist researchers in developing strong DoD proposals, including templates, checklists, and guidance on specific proposal components.
    • DoD Merit Review Criteria: Information on the criteria used by DoD to evaluate research proposals.

    For Specific Research Areas:

    For Researchers at Different Career Stages:

    For Specific Funding Mechanisms:

    • DoD Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): Broad solicitations for research proposals in specific areas of interest.
    • DoD University Research Initiative (URI): Supports basic research at universities that is relevant to DoD needs.

    Other Research-Related DoD Resources

    • DoD International Research & Development: Information on DoD international research collaborations.
    • DTIC Help Desk: Contact information for assistance with accessing DTIC resources and navigating DoD research programs.

    Department of Energy

    United States Department of Agriculture

    Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)

    • AMS Grant Programs: Provides funding and resources aimed at improving agricultural marketing and expanding market opportunities for farmers and producers.
    • Market News Reports: Publishes timely, accurate, and unbiased reports on market prices, conditions, and trends for agricultural commodities.
    • Commodity Procurement Program: Supports the purchase of agricultural commodities for distribution in USDA nutrition assistance programs.
    • AMS Certification Services: Provides certification for organic, fair trade, and other agricultural standards to promote product authenticity and consumer trust.

    Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

    • ARS Research Grants: Provides funding to support innovative agricultural research addressing national and global food security challenges.
    • ARS Research Partnerships: Facilitates collaborations with universities, industry, and other organizations to advance agricultural science and technology.
    • ARS Scientific Projects: Supports research focused on improving crop production, pest management, and food safety.
    • ARS Data & Tools: Offers access to valuable data and tools that support agricultural research, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.

    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

    • APHIS Grant Programs: Offers financial support to initiatives focused on improving animal and plant health, pest and disease prevention, and biosecurity.
    • APHIS Permits and Licensing: Issues permits for the import and export of regulated animals, plants, and products, ensuring compliance with international trade laws.
    • APHIS Animal Health Programs: Supports programs that promote animal disease prevention and improve livestock health across the U.S.
    • APHIS Plant Health Programs: Focuses on plant pest and disease management, protecting agriculture from harmful organisms and promoting healthy ecosystems.

    Economic Research Service (ERS)

    • ERS Research Reports: Publishes data-driven reports on agricultural economics, rural development, and food systems, informing policy decisions and market strategies.
    • ERS Data Tools: Provides access to economic data tools that assist policymakers, farmers, and researchers in understanding agricultural and rural economies.
    • ERS Publications and Analysis: Delivers comprehensive analyses on agricultural production, trade, and economic impacts, offering insights into national and global trends.
    • ERS Policy Support: Offers analytical support to federal, state, and local governments in developing agricultural policies and economic strategies.

    Farm Service Agency (FSA)

    • FSA Loan Programs: Provides low-interest loans to farmers and ranchers for purchasing land, equipment, and implementing conservation practices.
    • FSA Disaster Assistance: Offers financial assistance to agricultural producers impacted by natural disasters, helping them recover and rebuild.
    • FSA Conservation Programs: Supports farmers in implementing environmentally sustainable practices through cost-sharing and technical assistance programs.
    • FSA Direct and Guaranteed Loans: Offers direct and guaranteed loans for producers in need of financing to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability.

    Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)

    • FNS Grant Programs: Provides funding to support nutrition and food access initiatives that promote public health and reduce food insecurity.
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Administers federal funding for the SNAP program, helping low-income individuals and families access nutritious food.
    • WIC Program: Supports the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, providing nutritious food and educational resources to mothers and young children.
    • FNS Policy & Research: Conducts research and publishes reports that inform nutrition-related policies and food assistance programs.

    Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

    • FSIS Grant Programs: Provides funding to research and develop solutions to improve food safety practices in food production and processing.
    • FSIS Regulatory Guidance: Offers regulatory frameworks and guidance on ensuring food safety across various sectors of the food industry.
    • FSIS Data & Reports: Publishes data on food safety and inspection outcomes, ensuring transparency and accountability in food production.
    • FSIS Training & Education: Supports training initiatives for food industry professionals to improve food safety practices and compliance with federal regulations.

    Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)

    • FAS International Programs: Administers programs that promote agricultural trade, market development, and export opportunities for U.S. farmers.
    • FAS Global Market Access: Provides support and resources to U.S. producers seeking to expand into international markets and access foreign trade agreements.
    • FAS Research & Analysis: Offers valuable research and reports on global agricultural markets, trends, and trade policies.
    • FAS Commodity Export Assistance: Supports U.S. agricultural exporters with resources, funding, and policy advocacy to grow global market shares.
    • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Fellowships & Exchanges: designed to enable researchers, policymakers, and agricultural specialists to strengthen their agriculture in developing countries.

    Forest Service (FS)

    • FS Conservation Programs: Focuses on promoting the sustainable use and conservation of national forests, including wildlife habitats and water resources.
    • FS Research and Development: Supports research on forest health, wildfire management, and other forestry-related topics to protect natural resources.
    • FS Grant and Funding Opportunities: Provides funding for projects aimed at preserving forest ecosystems, restoring landscapes, and mitigating climate impacts.
    • FS Forest Stewardship: Helps landowners implement sustainable land management practices that promote biodiversity and soil health.

    National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

    • NIFA Research Grants: Provides funding for agricultural research and innovation, addressing challenges in food production, sustainability, and nutrition.
    • NIFA Education and Outreach: Supports educational initiatives to enhance agricultural literacy and promote careers in the agriculture industry.
    • NIFA Cooperative Extension Programs: Provides funding to land-grant universities and cooperative extension services to deliver research-based educational programs.
    • NIFA Capacity-Building Grants: Supports the development of institutional capacity to advance agricultural sciences and improve food systems.
    • USDA NIFA Grants Lifecycle
    • USDA NIFA Grants Application Guide
    • NIFA Proposal Writing Tips: Offers tips and best practices for writing clear and compelling grant proposals for agricultural research and development.
    • NIFA Frequently Asked Questions: Answers common questions related to the proposal submission process, eligibility, and program guidelines for NIFA grants.
    • NIFA Proposal Review Process: Provides insight into how proposals are evaluated, including criteria for scientific merit, feasibility, and impact.

    Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

    • NRCS Conservation Programs: Offers financial assistance and technical support for implementing conservation practices on agricultural land to protect natural resources.
    • NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): Provides cost-sharing for farmers and ranchers to adopt conservation practices that protect soil, water, and wildlife.
    • NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP): Encourages landowners to maintain and improve the health of their land by adopting sustainable practices.
    • NRCS Technical Assistance: Provides expert guidance to help farmers and landowners develop conservation plans that align with environmental goals.

    Risk Management Agency (RMA)

    • RMA Crop Insurance Programs: Offers insurance products to protect farmers and ranchers from financial losses due to crop failure or price fluctuations.
    • RMA Risk Management Education: Provides educational resources and training to help producers understand and manage agricultural risks.
    • RMA Reinsurance and Outreach: Supports private insurance providers and offers outreach services to ensure widespread access to risk management tools.
    • RMA Programs for Specialty Crops: Offers tailored risk management solutions for producers of specialty crops such as fruits, vegetables, and horticultural products.

    Rural Development (RD)

    • RD Grant Programs: Provides funding and technical assistance for projects that enhance rural communities through infrastructure improvements, business development, and community services.
    • RD Rural Business Programs: Supports the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurs in rural areas through loans, grants, and technical assistance.
    • RD Rural Housing Programs: Provides financial resources to promote affordable housing development and homeownership in rural areas.
    • RD Rural Utilities Programs: Supports the development of rural water, wastewater, and broadband infrastructure to enhance the quality of life in rural communities.

    Other Research Related USDA Programs

    Other Agencies and Funding Sources

    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

    Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

    (Limited research funding, primarily focused on law enforcement and criminal justice)

    Department of Justice (DOJ)

    (Limited research funding, primarily focused on law enforcement and criminal justice)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    Department of the Interior (DOI)

    • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
    • National Park Service (NPS)
    • Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

    Department of Transportation (DOT)

    • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
    • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

    Department of Commerce

    • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    • National Weather Service (NWS)
    • National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
    • National Ocean Service 

    Department of Education (ED)

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA

    U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

    National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

    National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

    Examples of Successful Proposals

    Writing a successful proposal is one of the most important steps in the application process. Please contact the Strategic Research Development Team if you would like more information and examples of successful proposals.