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National Science Foundation

The NSF supports research across a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines, including fundamental research in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and social sciences. USe the tool below to see where your proposal fits best.

Core NSF Resources:

  • NSF Homepage: The main NSF website, providing an overview of the agency, its mission, and current funding opportunities.
  • NSF Funding Opportunities: A searchable database of current NSF funding opportunities, allowing researchers to find relevant programs and deadlines.
  • NSF News & Events: News releases, press conferences, and upcoming events related to NSF research and activities.
  • NSF Awards Search: Search for information on awarded NSF grants, including project summaries and principal investigators.

For Proposal Development:

NSF Directorates: Explore the specific research areas supported by each of the seven NSF directorates. Within each directorate, explore the specific research divisions and programs that align with your research interests.

For Researchers at Different Career Stages:

Other Research-Related NSF Resources