Core NIH Resources:
- NIH Homepage: The main NIH website, providing an overview of the agency, its mission, and current funding opportunities.
- NIH Funding Opportunities: A searchable database of current NIH funding opportunities, allowing researchers to find relevant programs and deadlines.
- NIH News Releases: News and announcements about NIH research, discoveries, and initiatives.
- NIH Grants & Contracts: General information about NIH funding mechanisms, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts.
- NIH Grants Process Overview: A resource outlining the types of grants offered by NIH and the application process for each.
For Proposal Development:
- NIH eRA Commons: A platform for researchers to register and submit applications, track the status of grants, and manage their NIH awards.
- Biosketch Pages & Instructions: Guidelines and templates for creating biosketches as part of NIH grant applications.
- Resources for writing applications: NIH resources that provide guidance on writing effective grant applications, including tips for each section of the proposal.
- Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples: Detailed instructions and sample biosketches for NIH applications.
- Writing Your Application: Provides advice on writing various sections of an NIH application, with tips from successful applicants. (from NIH Grants Process Overview):
- NIH Grants.gov Application Guide: Guidance on using the Grants.gov system to submit NIH applications.
- NIH Proposal Development Resources: A collection of resources to assist researchers in developing strong NIH proposals, including templates, checklists, and guidance on specific proposal components.
- NIH Proposal Development Workshops: Workshops and training sessions offered by NIH and other organizations to provide guidance on proposal development.
- NIH Peer Review Framework: A detailed explanation of the criteria used by NIH to evaluate grant applications, including significance, innovation, approach, investigator(s), and environment.
For Specific Research Areas:
- NIH Institutes & Centers: Explore the specific research areas supported by each of the 27 NIH Institutes and Centers (e.g., National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).
- NIH Funding Opportunities by Category: Search for funding opportunities within specific NIH Institutes and Centers.
For Researchers at Different Career Stages:
- NIH Loan Repayment Programs: Programs designed to repay education loans for researchers focused on health disparities or clinical research.
- Career Awards (K grants): NIH funding opportunities for early-career researchers pursuing independent research careers.
- NIH Training Grants: Funding opportunities to support the training of future biomedical researchers.
- NIH Research Fellowships: Funding opportunities for postdoctoral researchers.
For Specific Funding Mechanisms:
- NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs: (As mentioned) Funding opportunities for small businesses.
- NIH R01 Grants: The most common type of NIH research grant, supporting investigator-initiated research.
- NIH AREA (R15) Program: A program supporting small-scale research projects at institutions with less NIH funding history.
- NIH R21 Grants: Exploratory/developmental research grants.
- NIH P01 Grants: Program project grants supporting multi-investigator research teams.
- NIH P30 Grants: Center grants supporting core research facilities and shared resources.
For Broader Impacts:
- NIH Criteria for Prioritizing Common Fund Program Areas and Initiatives: Information on how NIH evaluates the broader impacts of proposed research.
- NIH Community Engagement: Resources and initiatives related to community engagement.
Other Research-Related NIH Resources
- NIH Help Desk: Contact information for assistance with NIH applications and other inquiries.
- NIH User Support Team: The User Support Team provides customer-focused information technology (IT) services and technical support to users.
- NIH Director’s Blog: Insights and perspectives from the NIH Director on current research priorities and initiatives.
- NIH RePORTER: A tool for exploring funded NIH projects, offering insights into ongoing research and potential collaborators.
- NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs: Funding opportunities supporting small businesses working on health-related innovations and technologies.
- NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program: A funding initiative supporting exceptionally innovative, transformative biomedical research.
- NIH Common Fund: A program supporting cross-cutting research programs to address complex biomedical challenges.