Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- NRC Research Activities: Information about research program to improve understanding of nuclear reactors, materials, and waste to inform regulatory decisions.
- NRC Grant Programs: outlines funding opportunities for research in nuclear safety, including materials safety, waste management, and reactor technology.
- NRC Contracting Opportunities: an overview of a wide variety of contracts to commercial firms, non-profit organizations and universities each year.
- NRC Plans, Budget, & Performance: details on the agency’s strategic goals, budget allocation, and performance metrics to ensure safe and secure nuclear operations.
- NRC Library: The NRC releases several hundred documents to the public each work day. This webpage contains information and the documents that are most pertinent to NRC regulatory activities.
- NRC Public Involvement: provides information on how the public can participate in the agency’s activities, such as providing input on regulations and accessing information about nuclear safety.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CDC Grants: a wide range of public health programs through grants and cooperative agreements, supporting research, prevention efforts, and public health infrastructure.
- CDC How to Apply: guides about how to apply for grants or funding.
- CDC Overview of Grant Process: an overview of identifying funding opportunities, preparing competitive applications, undergoing peer review, and fulfilling reporting requirements after award.
- Resources for CDC Grant Recipients: various resources for grant recipients, including technical assistance, training materials, and online tools to support successful project implementation and reporting.
- CDC GrantSolutions: a grants management service that provides many tools for grant-related tasks.
- CDC Contracts: An overview of CDC’s Office of Financial Resources’ contracts.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- EPA Grants: The main page for all EPA grants
- EPA How to apply for Grants: information on grant opportunities, application procedures, eligibility requirements, and other relevant resources for potential grant applicants.
- EPA Planning, Budget, and Results: the agency’s strategic planning, budget development, and performance measurement processes to ensure effective and efficient use of resources in achieving its environmental protection mission.
- EPA Grant Competition Resources: guidance and support to potential applicants, including information on eligibility criteria, application procedures, evaluation processes, and available funding opportunities.
- EPA Regional Grants Information: details on specific grant opportunities available within each of the EPA’s ten regions, including eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and contact information for regional grant specialists.
- EPA How to Develop a Budget: an online training course is designed to introduce EPA grant applicants and recipients to key aspects of grant budget development.
- EPA EPA Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients: online training course is designed to introduce EPA grant applicants and recipients to key aspects of the entire grant life cycle, from preparation of an application through grant closeout.
- EPA Grants Webinars: EPA’s Office of Grants and Debarment periodically hosts webinars for the EPA grants community.
- EPA Policies and Guidance for Grants: essential information for grant applicants and recipients, outlining rules, regulations, and best practices for all aspects of the grant lifecycle, from application submission to project completion and reporting
- EPA Grants Management Plan: this plan charts the course the Agency will follow in the coming years to deliver an effective system for grants administration – one in which federal funds are used responsibly to deliver meaningful environmental results.
- EPA STAR Grants: Science to Achieve Results program for environmental research.
- EPA P3 (People, Prosperity, and the Planet) Program: awards for teams of university and college students to take a leading and collaborative role in conducting scientific and engineering research.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA
- NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES 2024): Annual solicitation for research.
- NASA Postdoctoral Program: Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers.
- NASA Space Technology Research Grants (STRG): Focused on early-stage space technologies.
- NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowships (NESSF): Funding for graduate student research.
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
- ARPA-H Homepage: a research funding agency that supports transformative biomedical and health breakthroughs – ranging from the molecular to the societal – to provide health solutions for all.
- ARPA-H Funding Opportunities: a listing of currently-open, time-limited research applications
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- NEH Fellowships: Provides support for humanities research and projects across multiple disciplines.
- NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grants: Funds the development and application of innovative technology to humanities research projects.
- NEH Summer Stipends: Short-term support for individuals conducting humanities research during the summer.
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
- NEA Research Labs: Provides funding for research projects related to the arts, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration.
- NEA Challenge America Program: Focuses on small-scale arts projects that promote engagement with underserved communities.
- NEA Media Arts Grants: Funding for media-based projects in the arts.