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Department of Homeland Security

  • DHS Get Involved: provides information on how the public can assist the Department of Homeland Security, such as reporting suspicious activity and volunteering for community preparedness programs.
  • DHS Data: access data and statistics related to homeland security threats, incidents, and activities, such as immigration data, border crossings, and cybersecurity threats.
  • DHS Fact Sheets: The latest releases and fact sheet archive.
  • DHS Media Library: access a collection of media resources, such as press releases, photos, videos, and speeches, related to the Department of Homeland Security.
  • DHS Publications Library: contains guidance and policy papers, reports, strategies, program regulations, guidelines, brochures and more.
  • DHS Training Opportunities: raining opportunities for DHS personnel, partners and citizens, including home and business owners.
  • DHS Web Tools and Apps: online tools and applications developed for use by the public,like travel screening tools, disaster preparedness resources, and cybersecurity awareness tools.
  • DHS Open Data: DHS systems provide significant data in the form of reports and exchange content between internal and external partners. Not all data is publicly available.
  • DHS Law Enforcement Training Opportunities: a wide selection of basic and advanced training programs to 105 federal agencies as well as state, local, tribal and international law enforcement agencies.