University of Florida word mark

Just-in-Time (JIT) & Post Submission Documents

Post Submission Materials

After the original proposal submission, many sponsors have periods of time where they will accept additional materials and many sponsors will reach out to the applicant asking for additional information or clarification before an award can be issued. For any information you wish to transmit to the sponsor, please work with DSP to review and approve before communicating them to the sponsor.  The best way to do this is by executing the UFIRST Initiate Post Submission Update activity. Make sure to follow the sponsor’s post submission policy and formatting instructions and provide the required documents and the sponsor contact information in the UFIRST post submission update.

NIH Just-in-Time (JIT)

NIH has a very structured process for requesting information from grantees not required at application but required before award.  This is called Just-in-Time (JIT). This includes information on Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the use of human subjects, verification of training of individuals in human subjects research, verification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval of the use of live vertebrate animals, and updated support documents.

Note that NIH AUTOMATICALLY opens the option to submit JIT in its electronic systems (eRA Commons) after review.  Please note that NIH indicates “Applicants will see a JIT link appear on the eRA Commons’ Status screen soon after the review scores are posted. However, applicants should only submit JIT information when it is specifically requested by the grantor agency.”  See:  Please wait until NIH contacts you to submit the materials.

Please also note that DSP will not submit IRB or IACUC approval unless the funding source in myIRB or myIACUC explicitly includes the grant by sponsor number (i.e. R01 CA123456).

As soon as the investigator learns that he or she has a likely fundable score a protocol or modification to an existing IRB and/or IACUC protocol should be initiated.

How to Submit Just-In-Time (JIT) using eRA Commons:

Only submit JIT in eRA Commons when requested by NIH.

Principal Investigator or Designee will:

1. Log in to eRA Commons

2. Click on the “Status” tab at the top

3. From the Status menu, select the Just-In-Time hyperlink (on left)

4. Search by Grant number, PI name, etc.

5. Click on the JIT link under the “Action” column

6. Upload or enter the required information:

  • Upload appropriate files
  • Upload Other Support for all key personnel in pdf format.
  • Only upload a budget if specifically requested by NIH. Otherwise, please leave it blank.
  • Other upload is generally not used.
  • Enter the IACUC and/or IRB approval dates if applicable.
  • Upload Human Subjects Education information if applicable.
  • Upload the Genome Data Sharing Certification if applicable. If you have questions about this requirement, please contact Peter Iafrate, Chair, UF IRB-01.

7. Press the Save button when completed.

8. Click “View Just-In-Time Report” to review the saved information.

9. Notify DSP that the JIT is available in eRA Commons for verification by executing the Initiate Post Submission Update activity in UFIRST, and upload a copy of the JIT request email from NIH.

10. The PI will receive an email from eRA Commons when JIT information has been submitted.