University of Florida word mark

Human Subjects in Research (IRB Approval)

Before working with human subjects in research at the University of Florida (UF), the Institutional Review Board (IRB) requires registration, review and approval.

When human subject work is part of a sponsored project, an IRB approval must be obtained before funds can be released. The Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) ensures that the sponsored project is referenced by the funding source and title on the IRB application. Further, if at any time during the life of the sponsored project, the IRB protocol has lapsed or expired, the project funds will be stopped until an IRB approval is obtained.

The university has three IRBs and uses the services of Western IRB (WIRB) for industry-sponsored clinical trials. While all four IRBs are governed by the same set of federal rules, each has its own forms and procedures for review.

To determine which IRB applies to your research project and to access application forms, please see the IRB website.

Tissue Banking at UF

Receiving, sending, using or storing human tissue at UF requires it to be safely done in compliance with regulatory requirements. IRB approval is required for obtaining and using tissue, and an agreement may be needed if the tissue is being received or sent off campus.

Review the following resources for additional information: