University of Florida word mark

Export Controls in Research

The following information is only a starting point in the export control discussion.  Please contact UF Research Integrity, Security, and Compliance (UF RISC) with any questions about specific activities.

Utilize UFIRST

UFIRST is the University of Florida’s official system of record for proposals, awards, and agreements. UFIRST is mandatory for the entry and routing of proposals and agreements managed by the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP). UFIRST allows transparent tracking throughout the lifecycle of the award from proposal development to proposal submission to agreement negotiation, set up and management.

Faculty are required to disclose international engagements and potential export control indicators through the export control/compliance tabs within UFIRST. It is important to accurately complete this section in its entirety to allow for expedited review by UF RISC.

Additional information on UFIRST is available at  For questions related to completing the export control/compliance tabs within UFIRST, please email

Award Agreement and Compliance

All Principal investigator (P.I.) awards and agreements will fill out a compliance form. Within this form the P.I. will disclose any and all global compliance, export control compliance, biosafety compliance and AAV compliance. If any of the given answers besides part 1 of question #1 or question #4 are yes, the record will be sent to UF RISC for an Export Control Review, and the record status will be “DRC Review”. Otherwise, the record will be marked as Core Office Export Review Completed with No Export Concerns. Your disclosure will not immediately restrict your business, after further review the export control office will generate a determination.

For Export Control definitions please see Attachment A Terms pdf.

With few exceptions, the University of Florida will not host visitors, enter into contracts or other agreements, do business, or engage in any activity with entities listed on U.S. government restricted party lists.

For more assistance with export control related questions or any of the aforementioned areas, please contact UF RISC at (352) 392-9174.